36 Kickass Squarespace Church Websites: Make the Best Site!

Inspiring church websites built on Squarespace and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Church Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the church websites on Squarespace"Best Church Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the church websites on Squarespace
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Looking to build or update your church's website? Need some inspiration?

See what works (and what doesn't) with these examples that include all the features, pages, and bits and pieces that make Squarespace websites work.

But hold onto your horses for just one second.

How the website for your church looks isn't the only important factor to consider. You can't just grab a good lookin' theme and consider the site done.

There are tons of important factors to make good church websites, including:

  • The copywriting is spot-on, and the text reads well
  • The website and its content are optimized for SEO
  • All the information someone would need to know is there
  • There are plenty of great call-to-action links (CTAs)
  • And it looks good! (I can't discount how important this actually is)

So, without further ado, let's jump into the many church websites on Squarespace to get inspired when building your own.

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Squarespace Church Templates

With Squarespace, it's very easy to customize the templates. These templates are a great starting point for a church website, even though they don't have church content in them yet.

Ultimate List of Best Church Websites on Squarespace

Screenshot 1 of Gas Street Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Gas Street Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Gas Street Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Gas Street Church is what we call, in the website design industry, a winner.

The design is ultra-modern and impeccable in many ways.

It's clean. It's inviting. It looks the part and doesn't come across as dated. This is how you attract new people to your church. A design like this draws attraction.

However, this is not a purely aesthetic church website.

Oh no.

Look at the main header, and you'll see some perfect SEO optimization. The church name is clear, with local location information to help the website rank higher in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Moreover, the homepage images are crisp and clear, including lots of smiling people and a stunning shot of the building. This choice of ideas is precisely what you want because it's so inviting and makes you want to be a part of the action.

Scrolling down, there's lots of info about what's going on throughout the year at the church, clear buttons, and links to other pages that contain important information that people want to know. These pages include things like:

  • Information on when services are held
  • What upcoming events are on the church calendar?
  • Access information and timing
  • Links to the register for the mailing list and social media accounts
  • Venue rental information for weddings and religious sermon events
  • Contact pages & social media links

These are all essential, and Gas Street does a fantastic job at keeping everything organized but easily accessible.

Gas Street is a Squarespace website that ticks all the boxes of what makes a good website great, and it's well worth taking some time to pull the best bits here to put into your own church website.

Screenshot 1 of Renew Church OC (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Renew Church OC (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Renew Church OC (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Mmmmm. 😍

Renew's website is as smooth as butter. The web design features bold, colorful imagery, punchy headers, a clear menu, and beautiful use of negative space. Let's break it down.

Right off the bat, I'm in love with the header.

It's unique, and it grabs your attention. It makes you want to know more and is actually quite abstract. It gets you thinking, and the more you think about your churches, the more investment you're putting into the church already.

I'm a big fan of the 'new here?' button as well. If you already go to the church, you'll probably have a clear idea of what's going on and how things work.

But, if you're a new person and you're looking to get started, this button and related content make things really easy to find what you're looking for.

Although the location data is not front and center, it is included in the bottom right.

Scrolling down the page, there are some tasty page-loading animations and a lovely scrolling bar, which helps to make the page feel more dynamic and less rigid. All the churches information on the page is reduced to a single paragraph here and there, and all essential info is displayed via easy-to-access links.

Everything on this blog is easy and clear to use, and that's precisely what you're looking for in church websites.

You don't want to waste people's time trying to figure out where everything they want to know is. Give them a taste of everything, and they'll find their own way.

Screenshot 1 of Canyon Ridge Christian Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Canyon Ridge Christian Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Canyon Ridge Christian Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

I'm really digging the white and orange color scheme of Canyon Ridge homepage.

It's a unique take that works. This scheme, mixed with the images used, creates an enthusiastic, high-energy, and welcoming touch. Perfect for a modern church community.

SEO local location data is in the main headers; there's a clear orange CTA, great use of personable photos, some lovely buttons, and all the text is short, sweet, and absolutely concise.

What more could you ask for from church websites?

Screenshot 1 of Relevant Community Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Relevant Community Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Relevant Community Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Relevant takes a more traditional look for its church website, with a bold image front and center and an impactful header in the middle. This works.

The dates and times of the services are one of the first things you see, and the calls to action (big red buttons) cannot be missed. Perfect for visitors to find what they're looking for and makes for a clean user experience.

However, the lack of location SEO. It just makes me 😭

Scrolling down, you'll find a lovely online calendar of upcoming events and links to all the age group-related activities in which people might want to be involved, like Bible study groups, the blog, musical sessions, and other small groups.

The layout is simply ideal. It's easy to find what you're looking for, and the graphics of churches are a lovely touch. They're personable and inviting, which is the exact vibe you want on a church website page.

However, the biggest takeaway here is that the website caters to new people. Most of the info is guided towards getting vistors informed on what's happening and then signing up.

Think about your target market and what visitors are coming to your website for.

Again, members of your churches will already know what's going on. Your website is mainly for attracting new people and getting them excited about what you have to offer.

Screenshot 1 of Bay Hope Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Bay Hope Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Bay Hope Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Bay Hope is just a really cool church website through and through. The grid layout is beautiful but doesn't feel rigid as you may expect. The colors are bright and welcoming (see the recurring pattern here?), and the portfolio of changing images creates this high-energy, dynamic feeling that sets the vibe.

Really great use of images, GIFs, video content, and beautiful graphic titles. The Bay Hope website ticks all the boxes.

Screenshot 1 of Hill City Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Hill City Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Hill City Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Big imagery reigns supreme here, as it should on most church websites!

The headers are also punchy, although they blend into the background too much. The image needs a bit of a filter (and the quality is a bit blurred, too), and the CTAs need to stand out more, but it doesn't not work.

Scrolling down, however, is a perfect example of how impactful written text can be when it's laid out correctly. Big headers with clear and concise paragraphs. The copywriting here is excellent, as is the organization of the rest of the information.

Screenshot 1 of Holland Village Methodist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Holland Village Methodist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Holland Village Methodist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Holland Village adds a modern twist to a traditional community church design.

Church websites like this have quite an old-school feel but feature modern touches throughout. If this matches your church experience, then perfect.

Again, the website features many personable images with happy, smiling people demonstrate the demographic of the church. The colors are bold, warm, and welcoming, and while the CTAs aren't too impactful, they do exist and stand out nicely against the dark background.

Screenshot 1 of Irresistible Church Network (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Irresistible Church Network (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Irresistible Church Network (Example Squarespace Church Website)

First, using the .church domain name is a fantastic touch.

Moving forward, the header image here is amazing. It's dynamic and active, creating a feeling of energy, and filtered perfectly for the header text to stand out. Interestingly, the site has used location data in the sense that they say their church should be in every city, but there's no real location SEO data.

There's a nice call to action button and big punchy headers with some nice and concise copywriting. Overall, a great site that really uses its color scheme to its advantage.

Screenshot 1 of The Church at Rancho Bernardo (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of The Church at Rancho Bernardo (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of The Church at Rancho Bernardo (Example Squarespace Church Website)

I really love The Church website and services page.

Huge amounts of negative white space across the board help the text stand out beautifully. Blues and oranges are used to create a calming yet inviting feel.

However, I'm a bit sad that there's no location data here.

Screenshot 1 of The Fellowship Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of The Fellowship Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of The Fellowship Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

The Fellowship church opens up with an awesome video that sucks you right in. And how could you click away with a headline "Never just another Sunday"? From awesome graphics to superior copywriting, this is one of the best Squarespace church websites out there!

Screenshot 1 of The Pursuit Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of The Pursuit Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of The Pursuit Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Clear headers with SEO location data and a fantastic bar on the homepage instantly grab newcomers' attention. Admittedly, the header image leaves much to be desired, but the rest look fine when scrolling down.

The only concern is the need for more important info. There's a lot of event information and quotes that resonate with readers belief-wise, but not a lot else.

Screenshot 1 of ZEAL Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of ZEAL Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of ZEAL Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Big images and beautiful text galore.

Zeal takes an awesome approach to the copywriting of their online site. 'Come as you are' really says it all, and it's a great example of how short and sweet text can have such a big impact on the reader. It's welcoming and accepting in just four words. That's all you need.

The dynamic color-changing banner on the page is just an awesome touch, and the bold calls to action work brilliantly. Note how three colors have been used across the board. This is how you properly use color!

Screenshot 1 of 26 West Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of 26 West Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of 26 West Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

A friendly minimal website with a beautiful font that stands out, accompanied by refreshing imagery. I love the navigation header at the top and the clear way information is conveyed through the precise single paragraphs.

Everything is short and sweet here, but it works so well.

Screenshot 1 of Edmonds United Methodist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Edmonds United Methodist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Edmonds United Methodist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Edmonds is a bit of a Marmite website for me. I love parts of it and hate others.

I like the text formatting, the copywriting itself, and how everything is laid out on the site. However, the greens, whites, and pinks seem to clash and come across as a bit unsettling.

The essential web info is clearly displayed in the best locations, but I just don't want to look at it. But this website is an excellent example of the importance behind choosing your essential information and displaying it properly.

Screenshot 1 of Fellowship Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Fellowship Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Fellowship Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Cool animations with great headers create a vibrant feel for these websites.

Community information, including times of the services and location data are front and center, which is great for ranking and helping new people find what they're looking for quickly. Big fan of how this is presented.

I also love the 'I'm New' tab at the top, although highlighting this with a more attractive color could work wonders.

Screenshot 1 of Gainesville First UMC (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Gainesville First UMC (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Gainesville First UMC (Example Squarespace Church Website)

A big highlight of this website is the 'I'm New' CTA, coupled next to the 'Watch Worship' CTA. The way this is laid out with the bold header text is just fantastic.

You read to 'find your purpose' and have the option to click 'I'm new' to this process. And, if unsure, visitors can watch the worship for themselves to see whether it's the vibe for them and their groups.

Screenshot 1 of Neighborhood Church Ocala (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Neighborhood Church Ocala (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Neighborhood Church Ocala (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Lots of happy, smiley imagery here, accompanied by some tremendous copywriting, emphasizing the connection to being a real church for real Christian people.

Lots of lovely location data in the headers, easy-to-read text, and everything needed to plan a first visit which is ideal for first-time visitors.

There's certainly room for improvements, such as clearer CTAs and a bit of tightening up on the overall look, but the draw here is no doubt that everything is nice and straightforward.

Screenshot 1 of Northcote Road Baptist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Northcote Road Baptist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Northcote Road Baptist Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

The imagery and color used on this website are just gold. It's a perfect blending and balance of colors, coupled with bright headers, SEO ranking data, and concise information that states what people want to know.

There's not really much else you need from a church website to be a success!

Screenshot 1 of Branches Church SF (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Branches Church SF (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Branches Church SF (Example Squarespace Church Website)

A great example of how to effortlessly include local SEO data in the main header without forcing it in. Branches use bold imagery and a lovely color scheme of white and orange to set the tone. Note how orange and white colors have been used in many church websites, so perhaps something to consider yourself!

Screenshot 1 of City Hills TX (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of City Hills TX (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of City Hills TX (Example Squarespace Church Website)

City Hills' Squarespace website is excellent. Big, simple, impactful headers. Dynamic moving imagery to portray the church's community vibe. Great display of relevant information right at the top of the page. Did I say I adore the headers on this website? Really cool, modern feel here.

Screenshot 1 of Cityline Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Cityline Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Cityline Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Really cool design with this Squarespace website. The dynamic images are a great touch, and the red and edgy color scheme is unique to really only this church website, helping it stand out and grab the attention of new members. The copywriting is also excellent. Pay attention to the standalone sentences, how they're presented, and where they're placed.

Screenshot 1 of Eastside Christian Church in Las Vegas (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Eastside Christian Church in Las Vegas (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Eastside Christian Church in Las Vegas (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Eastside has brilliant use of location SEO data (which is essential for somewhere as competitive as Las Vegas) and the classic orange, black, and white color scheme.

The content is clearly geared toward newcomers, but there are clear sections for everyone to find what they're looking for quickly.

Screenshot 1 of Family Life Community Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Family Life Community Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Family Life Community Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Another excellent way to use dynamic content in the header is to create an energetic sense of motion. The fade across to the left for the headers as well?

Really nice touch to make everything stand out. However, there needs to be more location SEO.

Screenshot 1 of Freedom Initiative Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Freedom Initiative Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Freedom Initiative Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

It's hard not to love the simplicity of this Squarespace site.

Again, the orange and white color scheme comes in with nice and bright CTAs. The rest of the website is fairly minimal. The copywriting is decent, although a little long-winded in places and could be shortened and made bigger.

Screenshot 1 of Mile Two Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Mile Two Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Mile Two Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

BIG fan of the blue here. Not something we see on many church websites. It's fresh and exciting, and the fact the image includes music is a big plus for setting the tone of this church. Big clear headers on a white background are tried-and-tested for success.

Really love the chatbot here as well so new people can get lots of quick answers to any questions they may have on the churches.

Features like this make whole experience feel way more connected, whatever websites you're building.

Screenshot 1 of San Francisco Chinese Church of the Nazarene (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of San Francisco Chinese Church of the Nazarene (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of San Francisco Chinese Church of the Nazarene (Example Squarespace Church Website)

I really like this website. The image is beautiful, and you could even say surreal, what with the spine of the Bible on the side. This website takes a very minimalist approach, with lots of nice quotes, videos, and text across the page with all relevant data. However, I will say the text is very small in places, making it hard to read.

Screenshot 1 of The Way Church Athens (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of The Way Church Athens (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of The Way Church Athens (Example Squarespace Church Website)

The Way Squarespace site is a little bland for my liking. I do appreciate that whites and pastel colors are great for a religious look, but I need something to stand out or grab my eye.

Even the blue CTA (which is a good element to stand out), feels a little bland and obscured. The rest of the website works really well with clear boxes and punchy headers.

Screenshot 1 of Boise Gospel Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Boise Gospel Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Boise Gospel Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Pretty cool design. Nice headers. Really calming color scheme. Also, this Squarespace site gives us a really good use of fonts!

Screenshot 1 of City Collective Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of City Collective Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of City Collective Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

I like what City Collective Squarespace websites are going for here. It's a relaxed, modern, and aesthetic approach with a monochrome look and highlighted blue CTAs.

I think it works to a degree, but it might be a little dark for a church website, especially for new people looking for a connection to God.

Screenshot 1 of College Heights Christian Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of College Heights Christian Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of College Heights Christian Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Calming, attractive colors. Bold CTAs. More interestingly, this Squarespace site uses testimonials which is a fantastic touch and well worth putting on your own website. Social proof is everything!

Screenshot 1 of Fellowship Jonesboro (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Fellowship Jonesboro (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Fellowship Jonesboro (Example Squarespace Church Website)

This is a Squarespace website that fully embraces its desire to attract new members. It's a really good idea to niche down your website like this. In this instance, it's the clear 'plan your visit' CTA, the welcoming copywriting, and smiley imagery.

Screenshot 1 of Lakeside Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Lakeside Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Lakeside Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Big big big fan of the side-to-side header image that captures the church's vibe. In this case, a picture really does speak a thousand words.

And the 'A place for you' header? Absolutely perfect. Captures everything you want to say in just four words. Come up with a mission like this, and you'll be plain sailing.

Screenshot of the LifeWay Westside website

Big titles. Punchy intros. Clear CTAs. An interestingly attractive color scheme that's unique but does actually work. Nice clear imagery. Lots of love for this Squarespace site, although a little more concise detail would have been excellent.

Screenshot 1 of Redemption Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Redemption Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Redemption Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Eeek. The yellow is a little overwhelming, and the text is a bit jarring. However, the CTAs are nice and clear and the content itself is good. Moving down, however, the info is tightly packed and a bit small.

Screenshot 1 of Sun City Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Sun City Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Sun City Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Really fun way to use a website. It's clean, professional, and geared towards attracting new people through the use of positive imagery and text. The belief-related quotes like 'find freedom' are a nice touch, but they could come across as a bit generic if you're not careful.

Screenshot 1 of Trinity Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 2 of Trinity Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)Screenshot 3 of Trinity Church (Example Squarespace Church Website)

Nice imagery, although the header text kind of blurs into the background. The information is brilliantly displayed, including opening times and service hours. However, the drop-down option to 'plan your first visit' is simply genius.

Tips for Creating the Best Church Squarespace Website

If you want to create a church website that people have faith in, you've got to get the website down to a tee. I've already covered loads of points in this post, but to summarize and bring everything together, here are the top tips you need to know to make church websites look their freshest and most successful.

  • Avoid WordPress. WordPress is usually the wrong tool for the job when it comes to building church websites. You can spend hours choosing themes, installing plugins, and ordering custom code and still have a site nowhere near as good as you want it to be. There are better options out there, like Squarespace.
  • Get your copywriting down. Every successful church website has punchy header text that draws you in. Text like 'Come as you are' or 'You are welcome here.' It's short and sweet mission text like this that has the biggest impact.
  • Include location data. You're not selling products all over the world, but instead, want people to travel to your church community and ministry from your local area. This means you need to rank on Google to the people in your local area. This means your headers need to include your town and city information, address, and phone number, and you should absolutely claim your Google My Business profile/Google Business Profile.
  • Images are key. It won't do naught if you don't have pictures on your website. Your images, or video content, create the vibe of your church community, and it's what newcomers will be basing their first impressions on. Include lots of happy, smiley people and relate to your mission.
  • Text must be easy to read. Make sure the color doesn't blend into the background, so the content is unreadable, and ensure the text uses a nice font and is a readable size. Also, make sure the headers are big and eye-catching!
  • Use the .church domain. Only churchs are really going to have the .church domain name, so use it! It makes your website URL really memorable and far more attractive to people than the standard .com addon.
  • Focus on attracting newcomers to the community. The truth is, your church website is going to be used by people who are already members and want to either contact the church or get a date for an event, so make sure this info is clearly available. However, it's primarily going to be used by people who are new and are looking for a new church to go to.

Design your Squarespace site with this in mind to attract these new people, create a good first impression, and guide the community into you in whatever way works best. 'I'm New' tabs, and pages are great for this.

Happy website building, don't forget to use my Squarespace templates, and best of luck with your ventures!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.