How to Fix Lighthouse IndexedDB Warning

How frustrating is it to see: "There may be stored data affecting loading performance in this location: IndexedDB". I found the solution to get rid of this message.

"Fix There may be stored data affecting loading performance in this location: IndexedDB. Audit this page in an incognito window those resources from affecting your scores." "Fix There may be stored data affecting loading performance in this location: IndexedDB. Audit this page in an incognito window those resources from affecting your scores."
Picture of the author John Siciliano
Some of my content contains affiliate links – about

"There may be stored data affecting loading performance in this location: IndexedDB. Audit this page in an incognito window those resources from affecting your scores."

We've all been there.

This damn message doesn't seem to go away. Even if you take their suggestion and open the website in an incognito window.

Opening in incognito loads the site without any stored data, but you must first navigate to the website to open the Lighthouse tool. Therefore, cache, cookies, and other types of storage get filled up. So their recommendation is useless.

The Solution

  1. Open the Developer Tools
  2. Click on Application
  3. Click "Clear site data" (Note the storage should go down to 0)
  4. Go back to the Lighthouse tab and the message should be gone. In some cases, you need to close Developer Tools and reopen them for the checks to be run again.

The Solution (with Pics)

Open Developer Tools and click "Application"
Click clear site data
Click "Clear site data". Note the storage usage before and after.
Rejoice! You may need to close and reopen Developer Tools if you still see the message.

The Solution (Video)

Happy Lighthouse testing!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.