21 Kickass Squarespace Coaching Websites: Make the Best Site!

Inspiring coaching websites built on Squarespace and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Coaching Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the coaching websites on Squarespace"Best Coaching Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the coaching websites on Squarespace
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As a coach, your website is one of your main tools for securing clients and getting paid work.

Sure, social media, word of mouth, and the content you put out surely have an impact. However, while these channels get your name out to the masses, it's your website that will show truly interested clients what value you provide, as well as hosting the tools for them to get in touch and book that all-important session.

So, how do you actually build a functioning, attractive website that gets those clients in your books?

While you may think getting a lovely-looking theme with some cool designs is the main priority, it's not the only thing you should be thinking about. Your look is super important, true, but tons of other features go into making a professional coaching website that actually gets results.

I'm talking about things like:

  • The copywriting
  • The imagery
  • The color scheme
  • The fact you talk about your clients, and not just yourself (more on this shortly!)
  • Necessary information to contact you or book a meeting

To make this even easier, right here, right now, I'm breaking down some of the best coaching websites on the internet. We'll talk about what makes each website great and how you can use each one as inspiration to build your own successful Squarespace website.

Let's get into it.

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Squarespace Coaching Templates

Building your Squarespace website doesn't have to be a mission. In fact, there are plenty of Squarespace templates designed to make your life easy. Sure, there are many Squarespace templates out there, many of which are free, but check out these to get started!

Psst, template #2 is my personal favorite Squarespace template. 😉

The Ultimate List of Coaching Websites Built on Squarespace

Screenshot 1 of Alli Rizacos (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Alli Rizacos (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Alli Rizacos (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Alli Rizacos is another example of how a coaching website should look and feel. The copywriting is spot on, as she talks confidently about what she's offering and how she will help her clients get great results. It's a perfect blend of saying what she offers, what her skills are, and how clients will benefit from her services.

This is the kind of website I would say is the more traditional form of coaching website. I'm a big fan of the simple imagery, and the three picture bubbles coupled with simple, one-paragraph blocks of text help convey the service information quickly.

Also, this is a fantastic Squarespace site for showcasing how to use testimonials properly. Testimonials and reviews are essential for any coaching website because they show off that you have customers and that the service you're offering is actually legit and brings value to your clients' lives.

Alli has displayed her testimonials on the homepage in a sliding gallery, which is ideal for showcasing many customer reviews and building her reputation.

Screenshot 1 of Bright Space Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Bright Space Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Bright Space Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

While the design of Bright Space Coaching is quite generic in terms of layout and style, it's very informative and boasts powerful copywriting that helps set it apart from the rest. It's very clear from the image and headers who the target audience is and the kind of value the coaching services provide.

I love the emphasis on 'spark' and how this is consistently shown throughout the homepage, especially when it comes to the definition section, which is a nice design touch. There are a few downsides to this website, however.

Firstly, the CTA is way too small and doesn't show up enough to make a difference. It's not impactful enough.

Secondly, some of the cursive fonts are nice, but they can be too much. If the content is hard to read, no one will sit and decipher it. Instead, make everything as clear and concise as possible.

Lastly, the style of the colors, especially with the text, can make the content hard to read, and that also makes the content hard to read!

Screenshot 1 of Celia Peachey (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Celia Peachey (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Celia Peachey (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

A great example of how coaches should make their Squarespace site look and feel.

Celia Peachey has a very modern style with bright and bold colors, which is perfect for a coaching website. The subtle but wavy background is a really nice touch, and the colors are consistent across the board.

The imagery also stands out and creates a powerful impact, although the pink circle behind the coach's face creates a strange aesthetic. The copywriting is spot on, though. The tagline of "You're One Decision Away from a Whole New Life" is beautiful, and it really sets the tone for the website.

This is precisely what you should be aiming for with your own Squarespace copy! Something hard-hitting that inspires and encourages readers to want to move forward with your service, course, or program.

Celia's Squarespace website is also an excellent example of using testimonials to build credibility and enhance your reputation. The banner right before the main loading screen with featured icons of newspapers and media outlets is fantastic for saying that this coaching service is the real deal instantly.

Screenshot 1 of Hellohappen (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Hellohappen (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Hellohappen (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

I'm a big fan of Hello Happen coaches. The colors of the logo, page, text, and just the overall aesthetic are gorgeous, and it's clear that the designer of this website has put a lot of thought into the content. These kinds of colors create a calm and peaceful vibe, which is ideal for a coaching website.

The copywriting also needs to be praised, as it's written in an inspiring and powerful way that really gets the message across. This is coupled with the lovely icon menu with simple yet effective graphics, attractive taglines, and even more amazing copywriting.

Also, this Squarespace website is fantastic when it comes to custom imagery. The pictures look professional and perfectly complement the page content, creating a very inviting atmosphere.

Screenshot 1 of Abundant Artist Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Abundant Artist Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Abundant Artist Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

The Abundant Artist Coaching Squarespace website is a stunning example of minimalism done right. The neutral color palette, combined with the simple shapes and textures throughout the page, creates a very calming and confident feel.

The copywriting is also very well done. It's to the point and doesn't drag on. The bullet points are also a lovely touch, making being concise even easier. It's also interesting to note the use of lots of white space throughout the page, which gives it a feeling of spaciousness and order.

Screenshot 1 of Dog Biz School (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Dog Biz School (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Dog Biz School (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Dog Biz School is an incredibly niche business, and it looks amazing. The orange and blues used throughout the page enhance this feeling of enthusiasm and professionalism. There are lots of interesting graphics that make the website stand out from its competitors.

These logos, accompanied by the short and sweet text highlighting the coach's values and what they're offering, drive home the point of why you should choose them as your coach.

The visuals are also great, with the illustrations being particularly noteworthy. They're not just there to look pretty but to actually help give an extra layer of understanding of what's being offered.

Screenshot 1 of Kelsey Abbott (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Kelsey Abbott (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Kelsey Abbott (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Kelsey's coaching website is an excellent example of how to write impactful copy that gets your message across quickly and effectively, mixed with bright, vibrant colors that create an inviting and fun feel. After all, coaching doesn't have to be serious. The growth process can be enriching and exciting, and your website can show this through the use of color.

Screenshot 1 of Kylie James Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Kylie James Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Kylie James Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Kylie's coaches website feels incredibly dynamic and in such a gorgeous yet simple way.

Look at the tagline of rotating emotions that really speak to the clients. The slow, graceful scrolling animation text bar. The sparkles and little graphics across the page. This website really does feel like it's alive and speaking to you.

The imagery is also top-notch. Kylie has clearly invested in custom photographs of herself, and it really adds to the website. It gives you a face of trust and familiarity, which is very important in the coaching industry.

Screenshot 1 of Yes& by Marin (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Yes& by Marin (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Yes& by Marin (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Yes& by Marin is an excellent example of a well-executed coaching website. The bright and vibrant colors used throughout the website bring energy to the homepage, and the copywriting is simple yet effective.

The visuals are also excellent, with a lot of thought put into the placement of elements, and the art direction is spot on too.

The aesthetic is modern, professional, and inviting all at the same time, and the centralization of the text, coupled with red highlights, almost makes it feel as though you're reading a personal letter to yourself.

However, this coaching website does talk a lot about herself, and it's easy to skip large chunks of text. It's far better to have short, punchy paragraphs of key information rather than bombarding the reader and boring them.

Screenshot 1 of Claire Pearson Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Claire Pearson Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Claire Pearson Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Claire Pearson's online Squarespace site has a modern yet timeless look. The colors are muted, and the layout is quite spacious. I love how everything is so well-structured and organized, and white text helps keep things nice and minimal. And the blue CTAs look a little out of place in terms of the color scheme, but it does help them stand out!

The dynamic animations also help bring the website to life and make it feel much more reactive.

Screenshot 1 of Coach Farrah Smith (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Coach Farrah Smith (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Coach Farrah Smith (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Big imagery. Big headers. Big growth. This is how I'd sum up the Squarespace website of Coach Farrah Smith. Everything on this coaches Squarespace site looks larger than life on this website, from the colorful imagery to the bold typography.

However, it's still easy to read and understand what she's offering, and she has tons of nice imagery, including noteworthy media mentions that help to validate her services.

Screenshot of the Coach Tiffany Taylor website

Coach Tiffany Taylor's website is really interesting. It has a very classic look and feel, but it also uses modern elements like a vivid blue color and cube shapes to give it an edge. There's a lot of text, probably too much for my liking, as most people will just breeze over without reading most of it. However, the bullet points are a beautiful touch.

That being said, the imagery could do with some updating. Aside from the personal photos of Tiffany's face, many photos could be stock photos, which feels a bit generic. Custom photos are always going to be better.

Screenshot 1 of Coach Wende (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Coach Wende (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Coach Wende (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Coach Wende's website has a strong color scheme. In the world of coaches, the blue in psychology stands for trust, peace, loyalty, and competence, which is what you want from a wellness website. This use of bright colors helps to draw attention and the bold white headlines. This is then reversed further down to keep things consistent, but the text is super clear, and the message is so easy to receive.

Screenshot 1 of Go With The Flow Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Go With The Flow Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Go With The Flow Coaching (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Go With The Flow Coaching is a perfect example of making your website look professional without compromising style. The color scheme and brand aesthetic are calm and sleek, and the layout is really peaceful. It doesn't feel cluttered at all, and everything is easy to read and absorb.

The images are great, the CTA buttons are a nice touch, and I like how everything sits so nicely together. However, there are few testimonials or reviews, which wouldn't hurt.

Screenshot 1 of Hayley Luckadoo (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Hayley Luckadoo (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Hayley Luckadoo (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Hayley's coaching website is a fantastic example of how to make a website look modern yet timeless. The muted colors and subtle textures are nothing short of stunning, and they create a really inviting feel. I also love the use of the lightbox effect in her images. It's a really nice touch.

The headers are nice and bold, and the copy is short and sweet. However, make sure you check your website to ensure the content makes sense! Right at the top, Lindsey has "Join the $5k Challenge... trainings to help you hit $5k months!"

This sentence doesn't make sense, and it's right at the top of the page, which means everyone can see it, and it will harm the reputation of your coaching business.

Screenshot 1 of Irene Moore (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Irene Moore (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Irene Moore (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Okay, I'm in love with Irene Moore's website. It's sleek and modern. It's blocky, but not in a bad way. It's more punchy and hard-hitting.

The copy is great, with active examples of how she can help her clients, and the use of subtle animations helps to draw attention to the sections you want your customers to read. The imagery is also fantastic, and the diversity of each section helps them really stand out from one another and equally hold their ground as value-giving sections.

Screenshot 1 of Lindsay Maloney (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Lindsay Maloney (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Lindsay Maloney (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Lindsay has a bit of a Marmite coaching site for me. It's really good-looking and has a clear direction to its aesthetic, but it's also messy, cluttered, and a little bit overwhelming. The header info doesn't really stand out from the background, and the body text is a little small in places.

However, it does look nice, and there are a lot of lovely elements here to be inspired by, such as the font itself, the gorgeous CTA buttons, and how everything is nicely laid out. The visuals are fantastic. The use of vibrant, saturated colors is really eye-catching and gives the website a strong identity.

Screenshot 1 of Meredith Keith-Chirch (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Meredith Keith-Chirch (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Meredith Keith-Chirch (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Decolonizing Your Health is a great reminder that modern coaching websites can look beautiful, even when they focus on difficult topics. The soft white and red palette uses a professional amount of negative space to emphasize the text and imagery. The header text to draw customers in is a little longer than I usually like.

However, the orange CTAs are a really good touch because they draw in the customers and show them exactly where they need to go. The copy is also really great, and the bullet points? They're the chef's kiss of this website.

Screenshot 1 of Mindful Budget (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of Mindful Budget (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of Mindful Budget (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

Mindful Budget is a very text-heavy website, which is okay, but it doesn't come without issues.

People have very short attention spans these days and like to look at images or videos. It's why Instagram and YouTube are so popular. Big blocks of text get boring without even reading the page, and that's what I felt here.

However, it seems to be an okay balance because the text is nicely broken up into single lines, so it doesn't look so intimidating.

Screenshot 1 of ZynnyMe (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 2 of ZynnyMe (Example Squarespace Coach Website)Screenshot 3 of ZynnyMe (Example Squarespace Coach Website)

ZynnyMe is an interesting website. It's not a personal coach website, but more for a private therapy practice with many coaches available, which shows on the brand design.

I included this in the list because it has a lot of great features, but it clearly shows the difference between a personal coaching website and a website that's a little more corporate.

The colors are big and bold, and the images have a lot of personality. The layout is fairly simple and straightforward, but it works. The pop-up testimonials plugin is a really beautiful add-on as well.

Tips to Making the Best Coaching Website

And there we have. Some of the most beautiful Squarespace websites around to get inspired by when building your own site. There are obviously a lot of different bits and pieces to think about here and many features that will help your online presence succeed when working for you.

Yeah. A lot to think about. I hope you were taking notes of everything you need to remember.

You weren't?

Well, that's okay; here's a rundown of what goes into a good coaching website!

Focus on Value

First, above anything else, your coaching website needs to provide your readers and traffic with value. This means providing them with relevant and helpful information that will help solve their problems.

Listen to this;

"Hey, I'm John, and I'm a coach. I spent five years in the office grind before becoming a monk, and now show you how to live. I used to be a jealous person who wasn't very compassionate but would always let others take advantage of me, and then I thought no, I'm not taking this anymore,"

I'll stop. It's boring. It's not going to win clients. Try this instead;

"Hey, I'm John, and I'm here to help you change your life. How often do you go to bed, thinking tomorrow will be a different day? Tomorrow, you're going to start working on all those goals you've set for yourself, and you're going to make your dream life a reality. How many times have you been in that cycle? Now is the time to do it for real."

Phew. I got shivers.

When writing your website content, remember to make it about the person reading, not you. That's what they're there for, after all.

Develop Great Copywriting

Using great copywriting is essential for any and all successful websites, especially one focused on coaching. As a coach, you must make sure you have a clear message in your copy and organize it in a way where people can easily find what they need quickly.

Use Visuals

Using visuals on your websites is great for two reasons. It can help break up the text and make it easier to read, but it also adds a layer of trust. People are more likely to stay on your site if they see you have taken the time to invest in professional-looking visuals. Try to avoid stock photos, though, as these can feel far too generic.

Optimize SEO Data

Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about optimizing your website for the best possible rankings in search engines. This means adding relevant keywords to the content, structuring your pages with headings and subheadings, and making sure all links are working correctly.

Make It Easy To Use

Your website should be easy to use and navigate. Make sure all the sections are clearly labeled, that your text is easy to read and understand and that there are no broken links or pages. Also, make sure there are clear buttons to book an appointment or get in contact with you.

Include Testimonials and Reviews

Having testimonials from past clients on your websites helps build trust with potential visitors and clients. It also gives them a better idea of what they can expect from you and your services. And, if there are good reviews, it shows that previous clients have been satisfied with your services.

Get Mentioned in the Media

Getting media mentions can build credibility for your brand and help you gain more exposure. So make sure to use press releases and social media to get your name out there and be shared by others. Make sure you display these mentions front and center on your websites for the most impact!

And that's it!

It's going to take a bit of work to get started. Still, with a bit of elbow grease and thoughtfulness, some leading inspiration, and some beautiful templates, you'll have a powerful, impactful, and client-ready Squarespace website in no time at all.

Then your coaching clients will be booking by the bucket load!

All the best, and Happy Coaching!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.