15+ Kickass Squarespace Ecommerce Websites (Sell, Sell, Sell!)

Inspiring ecommerce websites built on Squarespace and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Ecommerce Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the ecommerce websites on Squarespace"Best Ecommerce Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the ecommerce websites on Squarespace
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I found THE BEST Squarespace ecommerce examples...

But just because they are pretty doesn't mean they are good.

In fact, ugly sites convert too!

So I'm not just going to show you pictures of these Squarespace ecommerce website examples...

I'll also reveal why they are good... maybe it's what they say (copywriting), something they do with SEO, or something else!

Let's dive into the list of the best Squarespace ecommerce website examples so you can build your own high converting online store!

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Squarespace Ecommerce Templates

Building your online stores doesn't have to be hard work!

Whether you're selling online courses, physical products, food, or socks, bring the online presence of your small businesses to life with a Squarespace template that ticks all the boxes!

Hey, start with one of these templates and maybe YOUR site will land on this list of the best Squarespace ecommerce website examples!

The Ultimate List of the Best Squarespace Ecommerce Websites

Screenshot 1 of Blackbird Foods (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Blackbird Foods (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Blackbird Foods (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Okay, starting with the basics, Blackbird Foods is an absolute showstopper in design. It's stunning and is easily one of the best Squarespace ecommerce examples.

This Squarespace website features a clean navigation layout with clear calls-to-action and some of the punchiest and most impactful headers you'll see on this list - some of them highly dynamic and really help bring the website to life.

Also, and absolutely essentially, the product is front and center. Custom imagery is big, bold, and edited to match the rest of the color scheme, and it's such an attractive take. The product is the star of the show - a feature that all great ecommerce sites have in common.

And this is a crucial lesson to bear in mind!

When on a shop page, customers can't see or handle the product to examine it properly. Therefore, they only have the images to make their buying decisions.

So, make sure to use eye-catching visuals, and don't let them be an afterthought! It's vital that your product images are professionally edited and sized correctly to make them look as good as possible.

All in all, this is a fantastic example of an ecommerce store gone right, and it's worth checking out the rest of the website to see how you can really bring your own online store to life.

Screenshot 1 of Your Social Team (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Your Social Team (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Your Social Team (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Your Social Team is clearly one of the few Squarespace ecommerce examples that have taken the time to get its branding right.

It's an aesthetically pleasing one-page website with a calm, pastel yet vibrant color scheme and great use of whitespace.

I chose this website as my second choice since this is an excellent example of how to use a color scheme to fit your branding.

Your Social Team is an ecommerce store that helps businesses and individuals grow their online presence using the tools, filters, photo presets, and templates provided. That's the short version.

With this in mind, this specific design works because it showcases how unique design can draw attention to a brand and make them look attractive, which is EXACTLY what clients of this ecommerce store are looking to achieve.

The website also features a strong use of typography with bold fonts that stand out and make it easier to read. It's these little details that really make the website look professional and put together.

The ONLY improvement I would highlight would be that the CTAs are a little small. Sure, they fit the branding, but they are easily missed by those who rapidly scroll through the page (which is what many internet users are renowned for doing!).

Therefore, having them a little bolder on your own Squarespace website may help to draw your customer's attention and to move them along your sales funnel.

Screenshot 1 of Ashley Chymiy (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Ashley Chymiy (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Ashley Chymiy (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

The Ashley Chymiy website is a great example of how to really bring an ecommerce store to life.

This Squarespace commerce store keeps things simple, with minimalistic design and imagery that puts the spotlight on the products sold by this store. The hero image captures your attention right away, and the combination of the pastel color palette really makes Ashley stand out. Since her services are the value she provides, that's exactly what we're looking for!

But what really sets this ecommerce store apart from most is its use of copywriting. While short and punchy descriptions essentially list out the core aspects of the service, this is mixed with longer-form content that provides value to the reader in the parts they're interested in.

Calm, collected, and customer-centric – that's the Ashley Chymiy website.

Screenshot 1 of Dungeons & Documentation (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Dungeons & Documentation (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Dungeons & Documentation (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

I'm not sure what I expected from this website with a name like this, but I should have guessed it would be RP-related.

Dungeons & Documentation is a Squarespace site that sells D&D-themed products, from dice sets to clothing and accessories. It's big, bold, and in your face, somehow allowing you to see exactly what's being offered in a matter of seconds.

Of course, the highlight here is the big, bold header of 'CAN WE ORGANIZE CHAOS?' It instantly draws you in and resonates with the target market but remains ambiguous enough to make you want to read into the detailed copy to find out more.

Compared with Latte and Leases, which uses a rather traditional form of headers (i.e., Hey, I'm Soli...), this is an ecommerce store that gets the customers asking questions and wanting to learn more.

This means your customers are thinking about your brand. They're investing and prioritizing their attention on your business. This is how you encourage sales.

Basically, however you figure out how to do this with your own branding matters.

Screenshot 1 of Jones Bar-B-Q (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Jones Bar-B-Q (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Jones Bar-B-Q (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

It's clear that the Jones Bar-B-Q website has gone for a much more fun and interactive approach to Squarespace commerce site-building.

You can see all the visuals you would expect from an ecommerce site, such as graphics and product description, but it also adds a fun twist by adding in interactive elements. Everything is big and bold, in your face, and colorful. This can be seen with the header images, which feature bold text and fun shapes.

This Squarespace website also does a great job of organizing information to make it easy for customers to find products they like. The navigation menu is simple but effective, using dropdown menus that allow users to get right where they want in just two clicks.

I also LOVE the use of media mentions right at the top of the homepage. These are publications that have featured the commerce store in their articles, and this is liquid gold when it comes to marketing.

But featuring well-known brands (in this case, Vanity Fair, WSJ, Feast, and more) on your homepage is a great way to add an element of credibility to your online store. Not only that, but it also shows potential customers that you have something good enough to be featured in these publications.

If you can, find ways to attract or get yourself featured in media publications and do just as Jones Bar-B-Q has done. It will be worth it in the long run, trust me!

Screenshot 1 of Lattes & Leases (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Lattes & Leases (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Lattes & Leases (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

First up, Lattes & Leases has a bright and vibrant color palette that immediately draws the eye. It's a great use of color, which uses two main colors that contrast each other, but this is used to divide up the page in an easy yet impactful way.

A great example of this is in the text.

The peach and white text is punchy and stands out from the screen, allowing readers to breeze through the content quickly, while the navy blue CTA buttons for her services and online courses are eye-catching and stand out from the rest of the page.

The only real downside to this Squarespace site is that the copywriting might be a little long-winded, and most customers will skip over the paragraphs and won't pick up its value. It's generally better to just have short single sentences or tag lines that people can read in under a second.

It's info, but it's hard and fast.

It's also great to see the use of custom imagery used in a dynamic format. It's fun and friendly, and this is precisely the kind of vibe this business is going for. Again, another fantastic example of how branding and aesthetic can be used to promote a brand's image.

Big fan of the rest of the imagery, icons, and shapes used on this home page, as they all tie together nicely and give the page a cohesive look that is effective.

Ultimately, this website shows how to create an effective Squarespace ecommerce website that is both visually appealing and informative.

Screenshot 1 of Will-Myers (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Will-Myers (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Will-Myers (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Sleek. Simple. Dark.

These are the words that I would use to describe Will-Myers' Squarespace website. It's a great example of how to use a minimalist design and still draw attention.

It's mainly black that doesn't just use white text but actually uses multi-colored primary colors and grays. This creates a great contrast that stands out from the screen. It also uses a bold font, ensuring all the text is easy to read. This is perfect for ecommerce websites as it's easy on the eyes and gets straight to the point.

The website also has fantastic sections that break down everything on offer, including a blog section, templates, a portfolio, and great copywriting that uses plenty of social proof.

Testimonials, customer ratings, and reviews, images from past customers are perfect because potential customers can see that this ecommerce store is reliable, trustworthy, and has excellent products.

It's reassuring to new customers, saying that you actually offer what you say you offer, which is an essential part of any of these Squarespace ecommerce examples.

Screenshot 1 of btbjuicery (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of btbjuicery (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of btbjuicery (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

btbjuicery has a Squarespace ecommerce store that's colorful, modern, and makes excellent use of imagery. The website uses simple yet effective color combinations to draw the eye toward the product while maintaining a contemporary look. The copywriting is also top-notch, with punchy phrases and creative descriptions that really bring the product to life.

Screenshot 1 of DOSEM (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of DOSEM (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of DOSEM (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

As a DJ, when it comes to selling your music and services, you must ensure your website reflects your brand and captures the attention of potential customers.

Well, that's precisely what live sites like DOSEM have done. It has a unique design style that stands out from anything else I've seen on Squarespace.

The store uses a simple black-and-white color palette and custom, hard-hitting images to give the website an edge. It's bold and creative, not to mention very eye-catching.

Aside from that, this shop section also does a great job of bringing the products front and center by listing everything right at the top of the home page, wasting no time when it comes to getting customers to the products.

Screenshot 1 of paper&stuff (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of paper&stuff (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of paper&stuff (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

paper&stuff is a Squarespace ecommerce store that has everything you need when it comes to stationery. It uses simple yet elegant design elements to bring the products front and center, letting customers know immediately what they're getting.

Clearly a LOT of investment has been placed on custom imagery, helping the brand to stand out from its competitors. It also adds depth to the brand, shows that the business is investing in itself (and is, therefore, legitimate), and adds some fun imagery that engages potential customers and makes them more interested in what's on offer.

The dynamic headers and animation are also a really lovely touch!

Screenshot 1 of Staay: Pet Supplements (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Staay: Pet Supplements (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Staay: Pet Supplements (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Staay does a great job of capturing customers' attention and getting them to purchase its products. I really love how everything is laid out. It's spacious and propped up by custom imagery. Then fancy icon graphics with concise titles and streamlined subheadings that take less than a second to read take over and bring the user to where they need to go.

This is a pattern you'll see across this Squarespace website. Everything is short and to the point, and it doesn't need to be longer than this.

To put this into perspective, put yourself in your customer's shoes. What do you want to get out of this website? You just want the information on your product, which Staay provides efficiently.

Screenshot 1 of Bit Birdz (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Bit Birdz (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Bit Birdz (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Bit Birdz mixes the modern look with a bit of nostalgia and it creates a really unique and interesting look. I know it's NFT-based (which is a visual format off the bat), but the visuals are attractive, the copywriting is eye-catching, and the header image captures attention. What's more, it features plenty of great SEO optimization.

Screenshot of the Bitwit Store website

This is one of the bittersweet Squarespace ecommerce examples.

The Bitwit Store does a great job of standing out from the crowd thanks to its unique design and custom illustrations. Its vibrant color scheme and modern font choice make it immediately look professional and engaging. At the same time, using hero images on each page helps draw attention to the products.

The only downside is that the custom imagery is misleading. It stands out, don't get me wrong, but the fact the model of the front hoodie is holding a graphics processor is a bit too random. So much so my first impression was that he sells computer parts.

However, after some research, it turns out he's an influencer, and this is his merch site. That makes this Squarespace website ideal for people who know the name.

Not so good for those who don't.

Screenshot 1 of Carolyn's Krisps (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Carolyn's Krisps (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Carolyn's Krisps (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Carolyn's Krisps is a Squarespace website that looks delicious. It has a modern yet trendy look, with plenty of bold colors and textured backgrounds. The header images showcase the product features and benefits in an attractive manner, while the copywriting is interesting and informative.

Screenshot 1 of Clare Nicolson (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Clare Nicolson (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Clare Nicolson (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Clare Nicolson brings Squarespace ecommerce to life in a vibrant, fun, and modern way in her beautiful Squarespace ecommerce examples. Its attractive and bold designs and the header images capture customer attention. The products are also showcased creatively, and it really creates a creative vibe that entices potential customers to go deeper.

Screenshot of the Copper & Co. Marketing website

Copper & Co. Marketing is a great example of how Squarespace ecommerce stores can be done right.

It's got a rather traditional look as older websites do, but with modern touches that make it look more up-to-date. The simple navigation and layout help customers quickly find what they need, and copy and headers have been well optimized with clear calls to action.

Screenshot 1 of ilovecreatives (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of ilovecreatives (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of ilovecreatives (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

ilovecreatives is a Squarespace commerce website that does exactly what it says on the tin – it lets customers show their love for creatives. It uses bold colors, simple yet practical designs, and hero images to draw attention to the products.

The copywriting is also absolutely excellent, showcasing that the brand knows its target audience through and through and doesn't care to push others away to double down on what they're offering.

Screenshot 1 of Kati Morton (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Kati Morton (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Kati Morton (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Kati Morton is a Squarespace site that puts its products front and center. It's got lots of engaging visuals, punchy copywriting that really brings its products to life and plenty of social proof – all of which help it stand out from the pack.

Screenshot 1 of Mingua Beef Jerky (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Mingua Beef Jerky (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Mingua Beef Jerky (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Big full-width photos, a clean and modern look, and lots of good information – Mingua Beef Jerky is another great example of Squarespace ecommerce done right. It's bold. It's attractive. Its imagery says here's our products, buy them now. It's confident, and it knows its audience.

Therefore, it's no surprise that this Squarespace website has been a big success.

Screenshot 1 of Sarah's Day (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Sarah's Day (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Sarah's Day (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Sarah's Day is a Squarespace website showcasing her range of products and services, both good and bad. On the good side, Sarah has done a great job of creating a modern and fresh-looking store. It's eye-catching and bold, and the rotating imagery showcases a lot of information and possible value.

However, this header cover gallery could easily be deemed overwhelming. It's too much information for customers to process, and it might be best to reduce the number of images and focus on displaying key pieces of information in a concise manner. This will help customers get to what they need faster.

That being said, the rest of this Squarespace website looks amazing. It's crisp and clear, vibrant, and the product images don't distract from the overall design. It's a great example of Squarespace ecommerce done right. And with an optimized blog and plenty of social proof, it looks like Sarah is doing well!

Screenshot 1 of 1790 Coffee (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of 1790 Coffee (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of 1790 Coffee (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Another great example of how effective it can be to put your product right in front of your customer's face. At the end of the day, remember that your product or services is what your customers are after, and these valuable assets should really sell themselves. Your website simply exists to highlight this.

1790 Coffee is a great example of that. It has plenty of great visuals, copywriting, and definition on all aspects of the site.

Screenshot 1 of Alma Frutal (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Simply gorgeous.

Alma Frutal has a modern and minimal aesthetic, with heavy full-width visuals that draw you in and set the tone. And it does so beautifully. The visuals are perfectly optimized, and the typography is absolutely on point.

Plus, the copywriting is concise and to the point – making it easy for customers to understand what's going on and why they should buy the products. Great stuff.

Screenshot 1 of Brooke Glaser (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Brooke Glaser (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Brooke Glaser (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Brooke Glaser's website is a fun example of what Squarespace can do. It has a lovely, colorful design that provides plenty of visual interest and draws customers in. Plus, the copywriting is superb, giving customers plenty of space to learn more about the products and why they should buy them.

That being said, the graphics and creative visuals bring this website to life, and so it should since this store encourages creative endeavors.

Screenshot 1 of Elixir Sauce Co (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Elixir Sauce Co (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Elixir Sauce Co (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Elixir Sauce Co. is a unique site with plenty of great features and hits hard. It uses bright colors and bold visuals to draw customers in, while the copywriting is concise and informative. It also has plenty of great SEO optimization that ensures it's easy to find in the search engine results pages.

Screenshot 1 of Leisuremann's Cocktail Mixes (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of Leisuremann's Cocktail Mixes (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of Leisuremann's Cocktail Mixes (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

Leisuremann's Cocktail Mixes has a sleek and modern design with plenty of awesome visuals. The copywriting is punchy and interesting, making it easy for potential customers to connect with the products.

Screenshot of the Melula website

Melula is an absolutely beautiful website.

From the visuals to the copywriting and everything in between, it's hard not to be drawn in. The simple grid layout is highlighted with fantastic colors, and minimal photography creates a wonderfully modern and stylish look.

Plus, how the copywriting on the home page and product pages are highlighted in white is beautiful. Take notes, this Squarespace website does aesthetics well.

Screenshot 1 of MILK Boutique (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of MILK Boutique (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of MILK Boutique (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

I'm a big fan of Milk Boutique. It's another traditional-looking website with a minimal design that really shows off the products. The visuals are stunning, and everything is well-organized and easy to navigate. The black-and-white theme is lovely and sleek, and the copywriting is informative and witty.

Screenshot of the Shop Mary Evans website

Shop Mary Evans and websites like this are inspiring examples of perfectly capturing a product's look and feel. This online shop has a vintage yet modern feel, with plenty of great visuals and a well-optimized header image. Plus, it features plenty of intriguing copywriting (especially the headers) that really brings its products to the forefront of the minds of potential customers.

Screenshot 1 of The Beach Picnic Company (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of The Beach Picnic Company (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of The Beach Picnic Company (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

The Beach Picnic Company is a Squarespace website that captures the beachy vibe of its products. It has engaged visuals, great copywriting, and an optimized header image. Plus, it features plenty of great SEO optimization that helps customers find the website easier.

Screenshot 1 of wilkerkarlsson (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 2 of wilkerkarlsson (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)Screenshot 3 of wilkerkarlsson (Example Squarespace Ecommerce Website)

This is one of my favorite websites on this list.

It's simple and optimally uses negative space to ensure the features of the ecommerce site stand out. However, the unconventional imagery and animations steal the show here. The visuals pop off and really help your customers connect with the products.

Going back to that white space, the highlight is on the imagery, and the negative space is used to make it stand out even more. Make notes and use this on your own site if you have imagery you really want to show off.

The only real downside on this site is that there's not a lot of copywriting, and it can get very confusing very quickly for people who don't know what they're looking at. It may work for the target market, but it's a high-risk, high-reward strategy. Just check out a product page (like this one) to see what I mean.

Tips to Building the Best Squarespace Store

Now that you've seen all of the best ecommerce Squarespace website examples on the internet, we can now move on to the most important bit - the key tips and takeaways to consider when building your own store:

#1 - Put Your Products Front and Center

Customers should be able to quickly find what they're looking for and learn more about it with minimal effort. Remember, your products and services are the valuable things your customers are looking for, so give them to them. And since your products and services are the value, they should be able to sell themselves.

Your website simply exists to highlight that value.

#2 - Use Testimonials and Social Proof

Testimonials are a great way to provide social proof and show customers that real people have already found success with your products. This is because customers are more likely to trust and take action when they know other people have already done it.

This also applies to media mentions. If you've had features in publications, blogs, or newspapers, highlight this. It brings reputation and credibility, which is important for encouraging sales.

#3 - Craft Copywriting To Bring Your Products To Life

Copywriting is an essential part of any ecommerce website. You need to craft copy that really brings your products and services to life and helps your customers visualize the value they will receive.

Make sure to use persuasive language that speaks directly to your customer's hopes, dreams, desires, and fears. This will help them understand the value you are offering and why they should buy it.

#4 - Address Customer Pain Points

Customers are looking for solutions to their problems, so make sure you address these pain points. Use copy on your website that speaks directly to their needs and provides solutions in the form of your products. Images work well too.

For example, if you're selling food products, a pain point for a certain customer might be that they want animal-free products. Therefore, you need to state that your products are vegan-friendly.

A picture of a smiling farm animal might work too.

It's that simple. Pain point addressed.

Just look at any of the Squarespace ecommerce examples above, and you'll see exactly what I mean when taking a product and highlighting how it resolves the pain points.

#4 - Create an Appealing Design

Your design should be appealing and welcoming, but it should also serve as a frame for your products and services. Choose a design that makes your products stand out, and ensure it's not too cluttered or overwhelming.

Use visuals such as product photography, video, and other visuals to make the store more interesting.

And don't forget about colors.

They can be used to create an emotional connection with customers and help to highlight certain aspects of your website, whether that's a header, text, or product image.

Shapes can also be incredibly helpful for breaking up boundaries and page sections, as well as helping customers navigate the site intuitively.

Finally, make sure to have a clear call to action (CTA). Your CTA should be prominent and easy for customers to find.

These are just a few tips to consider when building your Squarespace ecommerce website, but they should help you create something that looks modern, functions well, and enables you to make more sales.

Anddddddd... that's all from me today.

I hope you've enjoyed learning about the best Squarespace ecommerce websites and that you've taken away some insights on creating your own.

Thanks for reading, and good luck with your Squarespace store adventure!

Happy Selling! 😊 🎉💻👩‍💻

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.