24 Kickass Squarespace Photography Sites: Make the Best Site!

Inspiring photography websites built on Squarespace and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Photography Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the photographers' websites on Squarespace"Best Photography Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the photographers' websites on Squarespace
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You've got amazing photos to show the world, and I have the best photography website examples built on Squarespace.

And was it hard finding the best photography websites!


Because some of the photos were so captivating I wanted to include the website on this list.


There are many strategies for photography website design beyond the photos you display throughout the design.

The Squarespace photography websites that made this list did so because...

  • They look good (design)
  • They sound good (copywriting)
  • They have good SEO practices
  • They include necessary content
  • They are perfectly niched into an industry

I'll touch on all of those points more and give you the strategies I see on these Squarespace photography websites.

Most of these sites don't do everything well, so that's your opportunity to make your site shine and become one of the best Squarespace website examples!

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Photography Squarespace Templates

Here are my favorite Squarespace templates for photographers:

  • Template 1 (use the big text in your intro to link to each of your photography services)
  • Template 2 (grid with spaces)
  • Template 3 (grid plus text combo probably my #1 favorite template, but not meant for every photographer)
  • Template 4 (grid no spaces)

Let's now cover awesome photography websites built on potentially the best photography website builder – Squarespace.

The Ultimate List of Photography Websites Built on Squarespace

Screenshot 1 of Kimberlin Gray Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Kimberlin Gray Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Kimberlin Gray Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This photographer's website on Squarespace is the place you NEED to go for inspiration for your photography business!

First off, the captivating intro makes you want to know more about their portfolio.

Next, you scroll into text that displays what they do and where they do it. Your title should contain two things:

  1. What you do in very concise words
  2. Where you do it (if you offer location based photography services)

The homepage goes on to display awesome copywriting mixed in with great web design. The copywriting focuses on the visitor and avoids using pronouns like "I" and "We". It's important to understand the visitors desires and speak to them.

The process of working with this photographer is outlined and easy to understand.

This photography website example is a must see!

Screenshot 1 of Jamie Siever Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Jamie Siever Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Jamie Siever Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This photography Squarespace website made this list for one primary reason: the title speaks directly to their audience.

What does she do? Baby Photography.

Where does she do it? Media, PA.

The next reason this photography website made the list is because the company focuses on a single niche (baby photography). Picking a specific niche will help your business grow as you'll connect directly to the client you want to attract.

She also has a blog where she features clients stories. Great idea!

Screenshot 1 of Sarah Carter Photo (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Sarah Carter Photo (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Sarah Carter Photo (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This is an absolutely must-see photographer's website built on Squarespace.

The intro pops! I typically recommend having a header that tells the audience exactly what you do, but posing a thought provoking question suffices too. She then backs up the question with quick benefits of her service.

The next section goes into other selling points about their services.

As you continue scrolling down you'll see more and more reasons to use their service. They crush the design and copywriting!

Another bonus is there are consistent calls-to-action on the page (schedule a session).

Screenshot of the The Wayfarers Photography website

This website example features a professional wedding photographer and they absolutely crush the design! Check out this elegant and unique modern layout with photo examples alternating on their homepage.

The copywriting is also compelling while staying simple and to the point (what they do and where they do it).

Screenshot 1 of Bryan Avigne Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Bryan Avigne Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Bryan Avigne Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This is another Squarespace template website that displays the menu large on the intro and as you hover over each item it changes the gallery in the background. Very cool concept for photography websites! It's also easy to navigate as it shows the various industries/types of photos their studio takes on.

Screenshot 1 of Caldera Films (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Caldera Films (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Caldera Films (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This site contains a clear and concise title with their location (great for SEO), a cool list of their services, and a lot resources on their homepage!

Screenshot 1 of Cliff Endsley (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Cliff Endsley (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Cliff Endsley (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

While I typically preach to have your title nice and big and tell your visitors exactly what you do, I do like this approach too. He starts with a gallery with a title over each photo going over the services he offers. This method will save the visitor time by diving right into the service they are looking for.

Screenshot 1 of Haas House (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Haas House (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Haas House (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

Wow the branding on this website is fun! This photography studio focuses on product photography and boy do they have some amazing images!

Here are some highlights from this website:

  • Fun and unique font
  • Concise title you can tell exactly what they do
  • Supportive images featuring their work
  • Fun dividers between each section
  • Fun colors and branding
  • Fun galleries featuring their work
  • Fun contact page with lifestyle images

All in all this site crushes it and is one of the best photography Squarespace websites.

Screenshot 1 of Island Life HH Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Island Life HH Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Island Life HH Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

While this website doesn't have the best design, it does have some pretty good content.

It's easy to understand what they do and where they do it (I keep saying this because you'd be shocked how many websites don't do that).

They also have services clearly laid out (wedding photography, beach photography, etc.).

Screenshot 1 of Kate Woodman (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Kate Woodman (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Kate Woodman (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

Check out each image in the intro! Very creative work. But also very creative intro.

This Squarespace template (featured in the intro of this article) is outstanding for photographers. It allows a different background image for each menu item and dynamically swaps out based on where you are hovering. Creative way to shop for their services and navigate pages!

Screenshot 1 of Lena Hyde (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Lena Hyde (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Lena Hyde (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This website starts off with a gallery that stands out. But below is where the magic starts... a title with exactly what they do and where they do it!

Screenshot 1 of Mendez Creative (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Mendez Creative (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Mendez Creative (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This is a rather simple homepage with unique elements to act as inspiration for you to create your own site!

Screenshot 1 of Nila Jean Portrait (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Nila Jean Portrait (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Nila Jean Portrait (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

The title says it all! Be clear by telling your visitors exactly what you do and where you do it! The page then breaks down their services going over family photos, headshots, etc.

Screenshot 1 of Okie Dokie Studio (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Okie Dokie Studio (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Okie Dokie Studio (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This studio has quite the vibe and style! Great color schemes, graphics, copywriting and more! They created a real masterpiece to display their art and services online!

Screenshot 1 of Sonoma Bottle (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Sonoma Bottle (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Sonoma Bottle (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

I can't say this enough, clear and concise titles win! AND, focusing on one niche is way better. If you don't see this point think about this... If you are a wine company looking for a photographer, would you rather go with a generalist (someone who photographs children, weddings, romantic occasions, senior pictures, etc.) or someone who only focuses on wine bottles. Obviously the wine bottle company!

You might think if you niche down you're going to lose out on business, but you'll actually gain all the business in your niche and be much better off signing clients.

Screenshot 1 of Syringa Studios Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Syringa Studios Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Syringa Studios Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

10/10 for this website's intro/hero! If you are a photographer that offers a service (rather than selling your photos), this intro is a perfect model for you. Here's what's going on:

  1. Showcase a photo you've taken in the background
  2. Have a big title that contrasts well against the background
  3. The title must be clear and concise
  4. The title must contain your location (city, state abbreviation) if you are location based
Screenshot 1 of Anna Wolf (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Anna Wolf (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Anna Wolf (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

There are a couple of notable things from this website.

  1. The menu is unique up top like that.
  2. The color scheme matches her photos – it's very bright and vibrant. Take note!
Screenshot 1 of Ashley Anderson Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Ashley Anderson Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Ashley Anderson Photography (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

What I really like about this site is the custom font. Photography is an art so the website should reflect your artistic style!

What I don't like is they are an "I'm for everyone" photographer. Niche down!

Screenshot 1 of Corvid Blue Studio (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Corvid Blue Studio (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Corvid Blue Studio (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This is one of the best landscape photography websites out there. The initial background image compliments the dynamic menu items very well. If you go with this Squarespace template then this is great inspiration!

Screenshot 1 of Focus Creative (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Focus Creative (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Focus Creative (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

The main reason this photography website built on Squarespace made this post is because of the stellar copywriting. Look how much of the content is not "we" focused, but rather connecting with the visitors and their top desires and concerns.

Screenshot 1 of Little Wolf Collective (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Little Wolf Collective (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Little Wolf Collective (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

The title of this photography website clearly indicates they do product photography (very well).

They then go on to display their previous work in galleries while making great use of white space.

Screenshot 1 of Modish Creative Co. (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Modish Creative Co. (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Modish Creative Co. (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

Wow this website is on another level. The designers really took this site far and created a vibe and brand for this company. Animated pictures, bight colors, fun team pictures, and one very cool portfolio.

Screenshot 1 of Rachel Veltri Photo (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Rachel Veltri Photo (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Rachel Veltri Photo (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

Wow the web designer behind this one created something truly unique for this brand!

The title is seriously captivating along with the rest of the copywriting.

I also love the layout of the art scattered throughout the homepage!

Very elegant!

Screenshot 1 of Tim Tadder (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 2 of Tim Tadder (Example Squarespace Photography Website)Screenshot 3 of Tim Tadder (Example Squarespace Photography Website)

This site features huge images that suck you right in. Maybe I picked this site because of how amazing his work is! The full screen images taking up the entire space go far in my book!

Tips to Creating the Best Photography Website

Photographers know how to eye what makes an amazing photo and website creators know the secrets to building the best website.

As a professional website creator, here are the best tips I can give you in a bulleted list so your website thrives online:

  • This one is more about your business model, but niching down into a specific vertical (e.g., wedding photographer or baby photographer) will give the best success
  • Make the title of your homepage (H1) clearly state what you do and where you do it (if you're location based)
  • List your portfolio (and divide it up if you serve multiple industries)
  • Limit how much you talk about you and instead talk about things that connect with the client (e.g., capturing the moment, letting it live on, but get more detailed).
  • Squarespace is a great platform for building websites, especially for creative people who don't have much website building experience. I'd say it's one of the top, if not the best website builder for photographers
  • Stay away from WordPress. It sucks.
  • Many of these websites were built by designers and/or they started with a Squarespace template. Reference the heck out of them.

Happy photography website building!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.