17 Best Squarespace Restaurant Websites

Inspiring restaurant websites built on Squarespace and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Restaurant Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the Restaurant websites on Squarespace"Best Restaurant Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the Restaurant websites on Squarespace
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As restaurant owners, you know that having an online presence is key.

Nowadays, people look for restaurants online before making a reservation, checking out your menu, prices, reviews, and basically everything else that goes into choosing a nice meal out.

If these explorers like what they see, then you've got them. They'll come to you and your business will thrive. It's that simple. The problem is that if your website looks outdated or unprofessional, or doesn't give the potential customer the info they're looking for, you risk losing out on their business.

All this being said, the visual design of your restaurant website isn't the only thing you need to think about. Sure, it's important to make sure your website looks good and appeals to potential customers, but there's so much more that goes into building a restaurant website that will draw people in.

I'm talking about things like:

  • Location SEO data so you rank in your local area
  • Photos of your restaurant and food so there are no surprises
  • Access to your menu so people can see what's on offer
  • Highlighted deals; people love a good saving
  • Contact and location information
  • The ability to book a table or make a reservation
  • Great copywriting

I can (and will) go on and on. 😉

To make building your restaurant online headquarters a little easier, this guide will break down some of the best restaurant websites, so if you're looking for some inspiration when building a Squarespace-powered restaurant website, look no further.

Let's dive in and take a look at some of the best restaurant websites around right now.

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Squarespace Restaurant Templates

Here are four of my favorite Squarespace templates for restaurants. Note, you can customize them however you want. They're just a great starting place.

Ultimate List of Restaurant Websites Built on Squarespace

Screenshot 1 of Tacos Poncitlan (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Tacos Poncitlan (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Tacos Poncitlan (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

Tacos Poncitlan is a fantastic Squarespace restaurant website. I can say that with confidence.

On the surface, it's a beautifully simple web space. It uses negative space fantastically, has a vibrant color scheme, and implements some lovely buttons and navigation menus. And look at those fonts. Simply delicious.

However, by breaking down the website's structure, we find what really makes it a success. On the homepage, there are both menu and direction buttons. I can't stress enough that these are the most important aspects of building a restaurant website. I'm actually shocked by how few websites incorporate these simple features.

When potential customers come to your restaurant website, they want to know one of two things; where you are or what you're offering. Tacos Poncitlan covers both instantly. There's even room for local SEO data in the header.

Remember, as a restaurant, you're attracting people in your local area to your brick-and-mortar store, so you want to rank as high as possible. There's no point ranking in destinations hundreds of miles away, so make sure you put location data in your main header.

On top of this, there are some beautiful custom photos of the food, a personalized gallery, and links to other services the restaurant offers. All in all, this makes for a fantastic website that leaves little room for improvement. I love it. Customers love it. This is a great website to model your own from.

Screenshot 1 of Aquarius Seafood Restaurant (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Aquarius Seafood Restaurant (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Aquarius Seafood Restaurant (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

The sleek and executive feel of Aquarius Seafood Restaurant stands out.

It's a very professional Squarespace website and instantly lets you know what kind of food establishment this is. The black background helps the white font stand out, and the fact that the black/gray comes from the slate adds to the feeling of luxury and solid branding. Couple this with some nice personal touches, such as the custom photography. It gives off an air of sophistication.

There's a clear CTA button for booking a table, and I'm very interested in the text used. The "Request Booking" approach creates an air of exclusivity that makes people want to be a part of it. I adore the fact there are so many menus in the upper left (specifically that you can see menus for various special event days throughout the year) and an easy-to-see phone number.

Screenshot 1 of Boogie's Burgers (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Boogie's Burgers (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Boogie's Burgers (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

As the name suggests, this is a funky website with a funky aesthetic. I'm a big fan of the visuals of this Squarespace website, and this is an excellent example of how unique imagery can help you stand out from the crowd.

Restaurants, be careful, this approach is hit or miss. There are a ton of fonts and colors being used here. To some, it's going to be vibrant and fun. For others, it will be messy and cluttered. Know your audience before taking the risk.

However, the site does a fantastic job with its CTAs (or 'Quick Links,' as it calls it) for phone numbers and ordering information, and there's a nice menu button in the header navigation bar.

Overall, websites like this have a lot of personality and make an impact. The trade-off is that there's a risk it's too much for some users, so be sure to know your customer before taking on a similar design approach.

Screenshot 1 of Fields Good Chicken (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Fields Good Chicken (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Fields Good Chicken (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

The homepage of Fields Good Chicken is simple and uses a single collection of images to make an impact. I like the cycle of food images here. It's attention-grabbing, stands out, and is very unique. However, I wouldn't be surprised if many customers find this imagery jarring, so beware of the risk.

That said, the attention to detail in the use of icons and logos on this website makes it stand out. There's also great copywriting that adds personality to the website.

There's a beautiful Order Now CTA button at the top of the page, and the compact size of the website (which is nothing more than a page and a bit) makes it very easy for customers to find what they're looking for.

Screenshot 1 of Streetbird (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Streetbird (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Streetbird (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

I'm a big fan of the bright and bold color scheme of Streetbird. It's an interesting aesthetic, for sure, but here, it works. There are big, bold headers, excellent custom imagery, links for social media and contact, and some really nice examples of design examples of blocks.

What this Squarespace website really showcases well, however, is the use of media proof. The website highlights the award-winning chefs that work here, and the website is really playing this as the strength of why people should come here.

It's also worth mentioning that while there's no direct link to a menu or food list, the top header says the specialty of this Squarespace website is 'hot and spicy fried chicken', which gives a pretty clear impression of what the menu is going to include. However, I would personally like to see a proper menu page.

Screenshot 1 of The Saucy Cow (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of The Saucy Cow (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of The Saucy Cow (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

The Saucy Cow looks beautiful and instantly draws your attention to the food with a large banner photo and text that immediately sets the mood for the bold and charismatic brand this is. Restaurant websites like this are hard-hitting and a lot of fun.

There's also some lovely scrolling text to prevent the site from feeling too static.

Now, there's a huge mention of merch on this website. Sure, if that's what the company wants to sell, then fine. However, from a restaurant point of view, you have to scroll pretty far to find the menus, which are easily missed. Make them big and bold on your site so people can easily find them.

There are also no clear links for making a reservation or getting in touch with the business, either in the navigation bar or the homepage. Include them.

Screenshot 1 of Browns Crafthouse (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Browns Crafthouse (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Browns Crafthouse (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

Ah, now here's a beauty.

Browns Crafthouse has all the basics you need - order for pickup and delivery buttons, contact info, and lots of great imagery. This is backed by the beautiful Instagram feature integrated into the page. The logo and branding look great, and I love the yellow/white contrast on the main page.

However, there's a big lack of location data.

There's no clue as to where the restaurant is until you click on the location page. That's not great for ranking high in the local area. The menu is also hidden in the navigation menu when it would be much better to have it on the homepage.

Screenshot 1 of NashvilleCoop (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of NashvilleCoop (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of NashvilleCoop (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

This restaurant website stands out from the other ones, in terms of its content and how it's designed. While there are still plenty of helpful sections, like contact details, gift card ordering, catering, and franchising, this Squarespace website goes one step further by offering access to everything in a straightforward navigation menu, including food menus, merch, locations, and more.

This is great for engagement, as well as SEO ranking. However, the spacing and design of the features feel a little messy and out of proportion.

Screenshot 1 of NAYA (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of NAYA (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of NAYA (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

NAYA is an example that proves you don't need to get too flashy for restaurant websites to work. This page's design is sleek and simple, with subtle colors in the background. There's also a heavy reliance on imagery, which helps this Squarespace website come across as vibrant and inviting.

Screenshot 1 of Reelfish Fish & Chips (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Reelfish Fish & Chips (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Reelfish Fish & Chips (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

If you love fish and chips, this restaurant website will really catch your eye. The design and layout are creative and use bold colors to grab your attention. Interestingly, the full menu is actually on the homepage, which is a brilliant touch.

Screenshot 1 of Sansho restaurant (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Sansho restaurant (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Sansho restaurant (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

Sansho has an aesthetic as I've never seen before for a restaurant website, and it's stunning. The black-and-white mix is delectable, and the dynamics of this Squarespace website work amazingly. However, looks can be deceiving. While there's a handy pop-up that allows you to see the menu, book, and table, this is only for special events, like the New Year event.

You'll have to hunt around for the pages when it comes to day-to-day bookings. This means there's a tendency to go for the minimalistic approach, which is great for aesthetics but not so much for user experience. Bear that in mind.

Screenshot 1 of Soft Swerve Ice Cream (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Soft Swerve Ice Cream (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Soft Swerve Ice Cream (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

Even though this is an ice cream business's Squarespace website, they've gone all out to create a stunning online presence. The dynamic images are incredibly inviting, and the color scheme is just on point. I'm just a big fan of the aesthetic used across the board.

The only downside is that it doesn't have any obvious buttons or links to help customers find their way around the website design. However, with a bit of exploration, they'll find their way, but remember you want to make things as easy as possible for your potential customers.

Screenshot 1 of Sophie's Cuban Cuisine (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Sophie's Cuban Cuisine (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Sophie's Cuban Cuisine (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

Clean logos and delicious custom imagery are front and center here. I'm also a massive fan of the fonts, the navigation bar, available pages, the CTA button, and just the overall vibe.

A great example of how to do a Squarespace website right.

However, the MASSIVE block of text on the homepage is so much. And I mean too much. It's great content, don't get me wrong. But it's just not user-friendly and gets in the way of good functionality.

Screenshot of the Stand-Up Burgers website

If you're looking for something a little less traditional, then Stand-Up Burgers is worth checking out. This restaurant website's web design is punchy and modern, and it indeed uses color and text to reach out to its chosen target market.

The brand is all about revolutionary and fighting the system, and this is clearly showcased here. This is a prime example of what it means to lean into your target market and market to them.

Screenshot of the The Civerinos Food Group website

This is a fascinating case study in terms of website design. It might look simple, but the Civerinos Food Group website has a lot going for it. Its bold imagery and dynamic features really set it apart from the rest. However, a big lack of direction lets this Squarespace website down.

Big time.

There's a lot of focus on working with the company and the projects they're involved in. That's great, but someone looking to eat here might not know what to click on. Some simple grouped buttons could be used to help people explore further.

Screenshot 1 of The Meatball & Wine Bar (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of The Meatball & Wine Bar (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of The Meatball & Wine Bar (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

If you're looking for a great example of how to do a restaurant website, then The Meatball & Wine Bar is definitely one worth looking at. There are few examples as great as this regarding imagery and aesthetics. Big bold header text. Stunning custom imagery. Really clear text and great copywriting. It's very attractive and makes me want to know more.

The CTAs are there (I love their color), and there's an address for easy location finding and SEO ranking. The only downside is the lack of a web menu.

The rest of the site is brilliant, but it's really let down by this lack because so many potential customers will want to see this. Although, in this case, with a name like The Meatball & Wine Bar, restaurant websites like this might be an exception to the rule.

Screenshot 1 of Vida Cantina (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 2 of Vida Cantina (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)Screenshot 3 of Vida Cantina (Example Squarespace Restaurant Website)

Bright, vibrant colors. A gorgeous logo. Location data in the main header. Order Online CTA button. Fantastic imagery of the food, restaurant, and service. Vida Cantina ticks all the boxes when it comes to website design.

Websites like this just do it right. All the relevant information is on display, including menus, contact information, and media mentions that add credibility. The homepage layout is nice and concise, making it easy for customers to find what they need quickly and efficiently. In addition, the copywriting is great and has a bit of personality to it.

Tips to Building the Best Restaurant Website on Squarespace!

There you have it – some of the best restaurant Squarespace websites on the web. No matter what style of food you're after, there will be something in this list that suits your taste. Remember, when creating a website for a restaurant, make sure to focus on more than just design, as features such as menus and professional imagery will help create an engaging, user-friendly experience with proper functionality.

And to finish off in style, here are some top tips for building the best Squarespace restaurant website possible.

Put your menu front and center

Okay, not physically front and center, but customers want to see what your menu offers when choosing where to eat out, so make sure you're making it as easily accessible as possible.

Optimize the content

Good copywriting can go a long way here. Make sure you're using keywords to optimize your website for search engine rankings, and make sure it's easy for customers to read. This is how you get restaurant websites to rank highly and receive more organic traffic.

Include professional photos of food & restaurant

This is especially important if you're in an industry with visually appealing dishes. Not only will this look great on the website, but it'll also help entice customers to visit your restaurant. What's more, showing pictures of the restaurant can also build trust with customers is key and having good photos of your location goes a long way in doing so.

It means there are no surprises when they come to visit, and they can make sure they'll feel at home. Remember, you're not going to be everyone's flavor, but that's okay. Lean into your target market for the best results!

Use a smartphone for pictures

While on the subject of photos, don't think you need a professional photographer to get your snaps. Smartphone photos will do amazingly. They don't need to be perfect and can be used with great effect. If you can use customer photos, that helps as well. Most people will love to have their photos shared by you.

Include reviews, testimonials, and media mentions

Customers trust what other customers say, so use reviews and testimonials to your advantage. Not only do they help potential customers decide whether or not to visit you, but they also boost your website's SEO rankings. Media mentions will also have a similar effect and are great for adding credibility to your restaurant.

It may also pay to have a blog if you're really involved in the local community and have a lot of information to share.

And there you have it – a guide for creating the best restaurant Squarespace website possible. Implement these tips, and you'll have a great website that will bring in customers in no time.

Good luck and happy restaurant-ing! 🍲🦐

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.