25 Stunning Squarespace Tattoo Websites for Design Inspiration

If you're in the market for a new website and are looking for some design inspiration, look no further! These stunning Squarespace tattoo websites will show you what's possible.

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"Best Tattoo Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the tattoo websites on Squarespace"Best Tattoo Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the tattoo websites on Squarespace
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I know you're here looking for some design inspiration to help you build your own Squarespace tattoo website.


While your website's design is undoubtedly a massive part of the website-building process, it's not the ONLY thing you need to be thinking about.

Below, you're going to dive deep with me into the very best Squarespace tattoo website examples, breaking down what makes them good, what makes them not so good, and, most importantly, what you need to consider putting into your own website to make it successful.

I'm covering all the bases today, so grab your notebook, take a deep breath, and let's dive in the best Squarespace tattoo website examples to get inspired by!

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Tattoo Squarespace Templates

These are four of my favorite Squarespace templates for tattoo websites!

The Ultimate List of the Best Squarespace Tattoo Websites

Screenshot 1 of Paper Crane Tattoo Studio (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Paper Crane Tattoo Studio (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Paper Crane Tattoo Studio (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Paper Crane Tattoo just does it right, and one of the best Squarespace tattoo website examples.

Right off the bat, we have a beautiful moving header that shows off the studio's best work, overlaid with text that includes the studio's location (perfect for SEO), all displayed in bold, super readable fonts just hit the spot.

As you'll see across many tattoo websites, there's a sleek black-and-white color scheme that's broken up with vibrant imagery of the studio itself, giving potential customers an inviting look into what they can expect from their tattoo experience.

Personally, I love the subtle animations included on each element of the website that comes into effect as you scroll down. This makes the website feel a little more dynamic and fun to use.

At the bottom, there's the gallery that shows off the team's work, which clearly highlights the kind of style you can expect working with this studio.

Through images alone, Paper Crane has done a fantastic job highlighting its niche, helping them market its brand with minimal effort.

Screenshot 1 of Atelier Eva (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Atelier Eva (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Atelier Eva (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Atelier Eva is another excellent example of a website that uses an animated header image (although this time, it doesn't seem to be of anything in particular) overlaid with bold, readable text containing geographical info for SEO.

I'm also a big fan of putting the 'Call Now' or 'Schedule an Appointment' button on this header, something we haven't seen much of so far, but it works well at getting customers in the mindset of moving forward with a book.

Scrolling down, there are a lot of local SEO-friendly references and internal links within the single explanatory paragraph, another essential for optimal SEO.

What I also love about this website is the fact they've used video content in addition to a gallery portfolio.

Video content is everything these days, and one of the best ways to grab someone's attention is to show them what you have to offer, so it's nice to see tattoo websites using this powerful medium.

It's stuff like this that adds a little more credibility, and there's no doubt that video content is king and queen these days. People tend to hold around 95% more of a message when they see it in video format than they do text, so bear that in mind.

On a final note, the color scheme is a really nice touch, this time using pastel colors accented with monochrome imagery to break up the blocks of content.

This won't be the last time I mention this, but the special formula for tattoo websites is;

Pastel colors with black and white images = good tattoo website 👍

Screenshot 1 of Jessi Cramer Tattoo Artist (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Jessi Cramer Tattoo Artist (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Jessi Cramer Tattoo Artist (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Looking at an individual tattooist now rather than a studio, Jessi has performed wonders on her tattoo website, this time taking a detailed look into the world of fine-line tattooing.

Jessi has defined her niche in the main header, which is amazing for SEO and helps customers know exactly what they can expect from Jessi's services.

(This is also coupled with the bold local info, another point for SEO).

However, what I love most here is the design of this Squarespace tattoo website.

Jessi has incredibly combined her website design with a portfolio piece which is just so unique and really grabs your attention from the start. Furthermore, the fonts are big, clear, and bold, the images are crystal clear and vibrant, and the color sticks with the tried-and-tested pastel aesthetic with black and white overtones.

Screenshot of the smallshop tattoo website

Moving onto something a little different now, this Squarespace website is another Brooklyn-based studio (nice local SEO there in the main header), but the aesthetic is just out of this world.

There's a BOLD sliding header at the top, and while the site has stuck to the common black-and-white scheme, it's done so in such a different way, this time swapping the white and the black and using a ton of funky shapes and designs.

Sure, the text overlays itself in some places, and it can feel a little messy, but this is clearly the confident look the brand is going for. It says, "look at us and our style, but we don't care what you think," which certainly appeals to a particular type of tattoo lover.

This Squarespace website keeps things nice and simple, containing a nice map that fits the aesthetic, color photos, and functional info in the footer, as I've come to expect now, and that's pretty much it.

There's no need for flashy copy or lengthy paragraphs; the style speaks for itself. There isn't even a section for reviews or media mentions.

Now, it certainly takes a specific kind of confidence to pull off a website lacking these features, but Small Shop makes it work for them.

The Squarespace website is unique, dynamic, and every aspect of it helps it stand out from the crowd, which just so happens to be the exact style they go with their tattoos and client base.

That means that, once again, this is a great example of a tattoo Squarespace website that uses the design of its website to highlight its niche.

Very clever and well worth looking into whether you can do something similar!

Screenshot 1 of Classic Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Classic Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Classic Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Prime location SEO data in the page's main header and some downright gorgeous imagery really help sell this studio's talent. There are definitely some funky vibes going on here with the matte red colors and crisp artist photos. Everything is really nicely laid out, and there's a nice balance between positive and negative space.

Screenshot 1 of Danielle Geary (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Danielle Geary (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Danielle Geary (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

While this isn't your standard tattoo website, but more of a mix of beauty and cosmetics, it's still a fantastic example of how to set up your Squarespace tattoo websites. The location data sits in the header (essential for businesses needing local customers), and there's some downright fantastic copywriting.

While it's clear that not all tattoo websites use a lot of text and rely on visuals, that doesn't mean you have to follow the norm. Danielle proves that powerful, punchy titles, like "Empowering women to look and feel their best," are a great way to define your customers and grab their attention.

Screenshot 1 of Gold Rush Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Gold Rush Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Gold Rush Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Damn, I love this Squarespace website.

There's so much excellent visual content here, including header images AND videos and a ton of beautiful team and artist photos, which helps set the vibe for the studio as a friendly and passionate place.

Couple this with relevant info, clear CTAs, and a punchy testimonial section; what more could you need?

The use of video is also another win in my books for making the website more engaging!

Screenshot 1 of Love Always Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Love Always Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Love Always Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Love Always is very on-brand with its pink aesthetic but doesn't compromise on the basics, including location data in the header, clear navigation, simple and easy-to-see CTAs, and small paragraphs of text that only convey the necessary information.

The only real downside here is the lack of portfolio imagery and reviews which could be a nice touch, although the info can be found on other pages.

Screenshot 1 of Primrose Beauty Studio (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Primrose Beauty Studio (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Primrose Beauty Studio (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Another pastel tattoo Squarespace website just to prove how much this calming color scheme works. Primrose uses an amazingly clear, dynamic design that has page animations, simple text, and vibrant images. Plus, the images are highlighted with shaped borders, which really helps to draw attention to them.

Screenshot 1 of Riverwest Tattoo Company (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Riverwest Tattoo Company (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Riverwest Tattoo Company (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Another fantastic tattoo website built on Squarespace with the location data in the header, a beautiful logo and design, vibrant photos, and artist portfolios, and the only text that shares the really important information that people need to know clearly and in an emphasized way.

Screenshot of the Sure Fire Tattoo website

Considering everything you've learned so far, it's easy to see how this tattoo site excels in all the core elements.

  • Bold header with location data
  • Crisp imagery
  • Clear, near-the-top CTA
  • Monochrome photos with simple copywriting
  • Key info in the footer
Screenshot 1 of Ten Torches Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Ten Torches Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Ten Torches Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

The bold header video content kicks this Squarespace website into your face, balanced by crystal-clear calls to action and more vibrant images as you scroll down. With next-to-no text, this is a clear example of how pictures say a thousand words.

Screenshot 1 of Barber's Electric Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Barber's Electric Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Barber's Electric Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Mmmm, a big fan of this website.

Barber's has taken the standard black and white theme but mixed it up with yellow highlights that really help it stand out from the crowd. The header image is a custom shot of the store, which is a big win in my books, and the site is very image-heavy, with excellent-quality photos of the portfolio and team.

Screenshot 1 of Doug McGrath Tattoos (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Doug McGrath Tattoos (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Doug McGrath Tattoos (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Doug hits the mark with bold headers, location data for local SEO, simple yet effective copywriting, monochrome imagery, a testimonial section, animated imagery, and clear CTAs. However, the image quality is slightly lacking, especially in the header, which can be off-putting.

Screenshot 1 of ElectriK Needle (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of ElectriK Needle (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of ElectriK Needle (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

This site has a clear professional style with everything centralized, the standard monochrome theme (this time accented with gray instead of black), vibrant images, lots of links for easy navigation and clear CTAs.

The CTAs could be a little clearer since they're the same color as the rest of the site, and it would be nice to have the portfolio and reviews on the homepage, but since this studio does other treatments as well, I can let them off.

Screenshot 1 of Fortunata Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Fortunata Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Fortunata Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Fortunata ticks the boxes. Black and white images, vibrant, unmissable CTAs, a reviews section right near the top, clean copywriting that includes location data, and high-quality portfolio images.

There's also an interesting phrase, 'Get on our books,' which is seen across several websites. This is an interesting form of copywriting that seems to work, and it might be worth including it on your own website within your CTA section.

Screenshot 1 of Geek Ink Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Geek Ink Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Geek Ink Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Getting a little trippy now with a slightly-animated header image, location data at the top, a dark aesthetic, and artist photos that clearly back up the branding style the studio is going for. Top tip here, add a live chat box so customers can quickly get in touch to ask any questions they may have!

Screenshot of the Ink By Madeleine website

Not the most amazing website here, Ink by Madeleine excels with the essentials, including location data in the header, a large header image, core info in the footer, and a pastel color palette.

And while on the subject of the header, I’d love to take a moment to talk about the text used here.

Ink by Madeleine.

Just reading those first three words makes it so incredibly clear what this website is all about and what Madeleine is offering. We all see far too many websites that use this space for text like ‘Perfection, Integrity, and Trust’.

These are great adjectives, sure, but they don’t actually highlight what the website is all about, so the customer doesn’t truly know what they’re getting into. It’s a wasted opportunity to concisely brand your website.

The best way to think about it is to put yourself in the shoes of your customers and ask yourself, what would you think if you were reading the text you put in your header?

Does it describe the business enough?

However, the menu text is small and white and doesn't really contrast enough for my liking, making it hard to read. The header image is also not the greatest quality, which is a big no-no when designing a website for a quality-heavy service like tattooing.

Screenshot 1 of Iron Thorn Tattoo Co. (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Iron Thorn Tattoo Co. (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Iron Thorn Tattoo Co. (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Another website that uses photos of the studio itself, Iron Thorn, has a really light and rustic feel to it thanks to the font and images used here, which is an interesting take given the edgy, dark-side name.

On a quick note here, don’t forget just how powerful and capable your smartphone camera is. Especially for tattoo websites, visuals are everything, but your phone is more than capable of getting high-quality images to use on your website.

You don’t always need to settle for the idea that you need a professional photographer.

The team has done a really good job on the fonts here, with simple copywriting and even a bullet-pointed list of services that make it very easy to see what's on offer and, therefore, to navigate the website.

Screenshot 1 of Avanti Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Avanti Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Avanti Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

All the basics are ticked here on this Squarespace tattoo website with location data on the header, clear CTAs, and that monochrome imagery coming in again, this time with some nice background textures. Scrolling down, the text feels a little hard to read, and at a glance, it blurs enough to be off putting.

However, the artist's mentions here are really top-notch, including photos and a crisp, readable description on each, which is a fantastic touch for anyone who really wants to get on well with their tattoo artist. With all the necessary contact info in the footer, this is undoubtedly a website that does the job.

Screenshot 1 of Copperplate Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Copperplate Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Copperplate Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Custom imagery goes a long way! People love looking at your studio, YOU, and your artwork! This Squarespace website capitalizes on images! Make sure you do the same.

Screenshot 1 of James Fernella Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of James Fernella Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of James Fernella Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

This tattoo website does two things really well:

  1. They list where they are located in their intro
  2. They niche down. While it may seem counterintuive, niching down can separate you from the rest and actaully get you more business.
Screenshot 1 of Joe Clark (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Joe Clark (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Joe Clark (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

The real reason this Squarespace tattoo website made the list is because of its effective title. Including the location of where you are based and exactly what you do goes very far (for consumers and for Google!).

Screenshot 1 of Old Rose Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Old Rose Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Old Rose Tattoo (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

Old Rose takes a very unique approach to website design. The site is just a minimalist artist portfolio of those working in the studio. The images are really good, and the text is simple. All location and contact data can be found at the top, which is a lovely touch, with basic social links in the footer.

As far as some tattoo websites go, this could be a little bare bones and off putting to some, and this is another example of a website that allows its artists and their work to do the talking.

Screenshot 1 of Sacred Arts (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 2 of Sacred Arts (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)Screenshot 3 of Sacred Arts (Example Squarespace Tattoo Website)

You should see by now that I'm a sucker for good imagery, which is exactly what Sacred Arts has nailed here on their website. However, it's a little misleading as you can't actually scroll to see any more info, which I want to see when looking to book my tattoo. I want to scroll and see everything I want to know in one place.

What's more, while the cursive fonts work here, it's risky in general.

On a mobile device, the words don't really line up properly, and they can be a little hard to read. It's not too bad here, but it's certainly a risk on lighter imagery. It's a bold take on a tattoo website, and it does help stand out from the crowd.

Is Squarespace the right platform to build your tattoo website?

While it's evident you can build stunning websites on Squarespace, you may still be wondering whether this is the best platform for you.

When it comes to building a tattoo website, especially if you’re doing it yourself, you don’t want or need anything that’s overcomplicated. You just need a place to show off your visuals, provide the relevant information to educate your potential customers and rank on Google, and allow for bookings, queries, and appointment scheduling.

Squarespace can do this all right out of the box, and when you’re using high-quality templates, it’s achievable in next-to-no time at all.

Sure, you can look into other platforms like Wix, and while they have come a long way over the last few years, it still feels very primitive compared with the experience Squarespace offers.

On the other hand, platforms like WordPress can feel attractive with all the themes and plugins they offer, but just because this is a popular platform, that doesn’t mean you’ll get a quality experience.

More often than not, even if you know what you’re doing when it comes to using WordPress and CSS coding, you can end up investing so much time into your website and still not have a site that has anywhere near the quality or functionality that even a basic Squarespace website has.

You're going to love Squarespace's quality, features, and ease of use!

Tips for Building the Best Tattoo Website on Squarespace

Tattoos are all about imagery, meaning your work should sell itself, and you don't need much text to say how good you are. People will see your work and judge whether they want to book with you accordingly, so ensure you're giving them a clear idea of what you or your studio is capable of.

This is why black-and-white imagery and pastel colors are also used. A flashy website is far too distracting for a site where you're supposed to be highlighting imagery. You don't want the website distracting from your work, so keep things plain and muted to keep your photos vibrant.

Also, make sure you include local SEO.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is basically the process where you optimize your website to rank highly on the search engine results page. Basically, when someone searches for something, you want your website to be at the top of the results page.

Let’s be honest, who goes to Google page two these days?

However, if you’re selling tattoo services, you're not selling products around the world, but rather you want people in your area to come to you, so you want to make it clear where you are and how people can get to you.

This means you want to rank your website highly for people who are in your local area, hence the term ‘local SEO’.

This means using keywords to tell Google that you’re operating in whatever city or state you’re in, and that you want to rank on these services as much as possible. You’ll want to use keywords like ‘Arizona tattoos’, or ‘tattoo services in Arizona’ to make this happens!

In short, just be sure to include location keywords throughout the text you use.

Finally, make sure you build your credibility and reputation through your website.

Put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers for a moment and imagine you're trying to book an appointment. What are you looking for?

You're looking for tattoo studios that have good reviews and testimonials from happy customers. Customers that have taken the plunge and had a good time, therefore reducing any reservations they may have.

This is why you need to include a review and testimonial section on the homepage of your website (always avoid a 'reviews' page because it ends up just being a big wall of text that nobody wants to read), and if you have media mentions or awards, include them and link to them!

Not only does this further your reputation, but linking these external, reputable sources, will also help build your SEO!

Bonus tip: Thanks to the wonders of the internet, you can now get custom domain endings. Instead of the standard .com or .net, you get something more creative, like .studio, .tattoo, or .art, that can help your domain stand out from the crowd!

Buy your domain on Squarespace and happy tattoo website building!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.