12 Kickass Virtual Assistant Websites: Boost Clients!

Best and most kickass virtual assistant websites to inspire you to create a website that rocks!

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"Best virtual asssitant Websites" with screenshots of the virtual assistant websites"Best virtual asssitant Websites" with screenshots of the virtual assistant websites
Picture of the author John Siciliano
Some of my content contains affiliate links – about

I recently hired a virtual assistant.

And 99% of their sites turned me off.

So in this post, I've gathered a the best virtual assistant websites (the 1%).

But I didn't just find pretty-looking virtual assistant websites.

Oh no.

In fact, ugly websites convert. If you have:

  • The exact services/software's your visitor is looking for help on
  • Experience, with social proof to back it up
  • Great communication (technically this is after the website, but it counts for something)
  • Great copywriting – speak to the concerns and desires
  • And much more that we'll get into!

You've got to have a website that's easy to use, informative, and stands out from the crowd.

That's why I've rounded up some of the best and most kickass virtual assistant websites to inspire you to create a website that rocks!

Not only that, I've included my guide that details all the tricks and tips you need to know to produce the best site that ticks all the boxes.

From professional and polished to fun and quirky designs, we've got it all.

So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready to be inspired by some seriously cool websites. Let's do this!

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Virtual Assistant Website Templates

Hold up ✋

If you get one takeaway from this guide, let it be this:

Start with a template on Squarespace.

Instead of building your website from scratch and struggling to piece everything together and have it functional and looking nice, use a template to save time and guarantee better results.

When you use a Squarespace template, you get to enjoy all the benefits of a ready-made design and platform that makes your life way easier.

To get you started, here are some of the best virtual assistant templates you need to see!

So, whether you provide simple call and email marketing services, help book appointments, or can offer more specialist skills, like digital marketing services, graphic design, social media management, or even website designer services, these are the best virtual assistant websites around you need to know about!

The Ultimate List of Virtual Assistant Websites You Need to See

Screenshot 1 of Sonia Smith Creative (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Sonia Smith Creative (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Sonia Smith Creative (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

One of my favorite on this list is Sonia Smith Creative's website since it's the definition of sleek and modern!

The pastel colors and fantastic use of negative space (empty space) help to create that female-empowered business vibe we're increasingly seeing these days, all while balancing good looks and professional functionality.

The homepage is eye-catching, with a CTA button that practically begs you to book a free consultation in the best possible way.

Plus, navigating this virtual assistant website is a breeze thanks to the clear menu bar granting access to the virtual assistant services, about, and blog pages, which is great for lead generation.

Any company looking for help with their administrative tasks will feel lucky to have found this site.

The Takeaway

Lots to take away here. Basically, keep your website design modern, professional, and easy to navigate. You don't need to make things complicated. Use strong CTA buttons and make sure your messaging is clear and concise.

What Makes It Good

  • Modern, professional design
  • Clear and concise messaging
  • Strong CTA button
  • User-friendly navigation

What Could Be Improved

  • The website has a bit of social proof, but I'd like to see a lot more, especially in the form of actual online reviews and testimonials
Screenshot 1 of Amie K Agency (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Amie K Agency (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Amie K Agency (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Amie K Agency's website has a bold, eye-catching design that'll make a lasting impression on businesses looking for the right virtual assistant.

I'm a big fan of the custom image of Amie herself that helps to engage the visitor and builds the business's credibility (yes, we're looking at an actual human and their business), and there's a ton of helpful information found throughout the page.

The only downside is that this information is a little blocky in places, making it tiresome to read. I'd recommend breaking it down into smaller chunks or bullet points to help promote a user-friendly experience.

The Takeaway

Don't be afraid to niche yourself within your virtual assistant websites. The world of a virtual administrative assistant is very much a niche-based job.

Wedding virtual assistance experts need different skills to succeed in their role compared with, let's say, an office assistant specializing in small businesses. An office VA may need skills like web design, graphic design, app development, or even travel planning.

On the other hand, there are throughlines since both assistants need to be good at project management, content writing, and maybe even experienced with uploading social media posts.

Whatever you're offering, you need to make this clear across your website. Amie does a great job of this with her headlines and copywriting.

What Makes It Good

  • Eye-catching design with strong custom imagery
  • Strong copywriting with lots of helpful information written in a unique, personal style
  • This is a very personal website that helps you emotionally connect to Amie and her service
  • User-friendly navigation

What Could Be Improved

  • This virtual assistant website lacks social proof
  • The text blocks are too thick, and not many people will read it all, thus reducing its value
Screenshot 1 of Holly Roberson (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Holly Roberson (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Holly Roberson (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Holly has a fantastic website, so get your notebooks outs.

Personalized images of herself ✅

Easy to navigate website ✅

Great copy ✅

Bold CTAs ✅

Suitable VA all around? ✅

But best of all?

The social proof.

I'm a huge fan of putting testimonials and reviews of your VA service on your website because it proves to people that you're the business and you offer a reputable service. If you have reviews and testimonials, make sure you're putting them front and center!

They'll sell your services much faster than anything else!

The Takeaway

Less is more when it comes to online content; nobody likes to sit and read big large blocks of text. Holly has taken this onboard and only writes in short paragraphs and bullet points.

This ensures all the content on her website is consumable and easy to read, even if someone is scanning, vastly improving the chance that all her messaging gets through to her visitors.

What Makes It Good

  • Professional and approachable design
  • Custom imagery that helps you personally connect to Holly and her service
  • Well-structured services page
  • Great, aesthetic color palette
  • There are reviews on the home page!

What Could Be Improved

  • Could put more than one review on her home page
  • Perhaps adding a contact form will help streamline the conversion process
Screenshot of the Jean + Co VA website

I really like the Jean and Co Virtual Assistant's website.

It features a really clean, minimalist design that's both professional and approachable and has some outstanding copywriting that's not too lengthy but hits home with everything a visitor would need to know.

I'm a big fan of the bullet points highlighting the value of the service, and the navigation and available pages are spot on.

The Takeaway

A clean, minimalist design can be effective in communicating professionalism and approachability. Make sure your mission statement is clear, and your virtual assistant website is easy to navigate. Provide detailed descriptions of your services, and don't forget to include social proof.

What Makes It Good

  • Clean, minimalist design
  • Strong headlines and copywriting
  • Very user-friendly navigation
  • Clear mission statement

What Could Be Improved

  • The website lacks social proof again!
  • The images look a little too stock-like, and some more custom imagery would really help make the website more personalized and connective.
Screenshot 1 of MadSavvy VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of MadSavvy VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of MadSavvy VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Mad Savvy VA's online office space is one of the best virtual assistant websites around, with a fun, whimsical design that'll appeal to creative entrepreneurs. Everything about this virtual assistant website is personal and casual, allowing for a more laid-back approach rather than being a strict business.

This is all achieved through the language, like "business bestie," the graphics, and the overall color scheme, so bear this in mind when building your own site!

And don't forget, Mad Savvy is an agency that operates as a dedicated virtual assistant company that offers all kinds of different services. So if a business is looking for someone to help with digital marketing, data entry, project management, or just general administrative support, Mad has made it clear that they'll find what they're looking for here.

The Takeaway

Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through your business website design. You can do this via the language, style, tone, colors, and graphics you use, so choose wisely! Bright, bold, and confident colors tend to come off as more fun, while neutral colors are more professional.

What Makes It Good

  • Fun, creative, and whimsical design
  • A strong, attention-grabbing headline
  • User-friendly navigation
  • Great use of casual language to promote the branding of her agency

What Could Be Improved

  • The website could benefit from more detailed descriptions of the services offered
  • Some of the images and design features don't line up, and it comes across as slightly unprofessional
Screenshot 1 of Nyla Bland (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Nyla Bland (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Nyla Bland (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Oh, I love Nyla Bland's website!

It's clean, modern, and super easy to navigate. The homepage packs a punch with a hero image and a headline that screams, "check out our awesome services!" What's best is there's a ton of valuable content here and very little fluff.

This precision is a testament to Nyla's virtual assistant service and is far more likely to encourage people to convert.

The Takeaway

You'll work one-on-one with a business owner or entrepreneur as a dedicated virtual assistant company. This means you should always include personal images of you, just like Nyla has done with her website.

These photos help put a name to the face, and the business doesn't just look like a faceless website but rather a real-life assistant that can deliver real-life results.

What Makes It Good

  • Fantastic use of personal photos that raises the credibility of the website tenfold
  • Lots of valuable information about the available services
  • A bright and attractive color palette with eye-catching CTAs

What Could Be Improved

  • The titles are a little long and don't really stand out against the rest of the content
  • There are some large blocks of text on the homepage which are off-putting to read
Screenshot 1 of Tiffany Dougherty (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Tiffany Dougherty (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Tiffany Dougherty (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Mmmmm. Tiffany's virtual assistant website is nice!

There's a really nice structure to this site that we haven't really seen with the others. The imagery is fantastic – consistently custom throughout the site – and it's all very personal and close.

Despite the rather corporate domain name, everything about this website screams that it's a real person who's aiming to help other real people and businesses. This is far more appealing to the kind of business owners who'd hire virtual assistants because, once again, they want to work with a real person!

The Takeaway

By far the most important takeaway here that I certainly don't see on enough of these business websites is the fact that Tiffany has taken the time to talk about herself, her business, and her experience.

So many virtual assistant websites jump to saying everything they offer and what value they provide, but not enough talk about why they're the business for the job. Always talk about why you're a virtual assistant and how you know what you're doing.

It's a great way to build credibility and improve your reputation!

What Makes It Good

  • A really personal website that speaks volumes in terms of branding and personality
  • Tons of great information about the value of the service
  • A modern, professional monochrome color scheme

What Could Be Improved

  • Not a lot of social proof (nothing on the homepage)
  • No CTA in the navigation bar
Screenshot 1 of Carly Virtual Pro (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Carly Virtual Pro (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Carly Virtual Pro (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Professional and polished. Easy to navigate. Some very concise, engaging copy. Custom imagery. Some great CTAs. This is a virtual assistant website that ticks all the boxes.

The Takeaway

Custom graphics, not just photos, are always a win. It shows that you're investing in your website and helps you brand your business in a way that's 100% unique to you – something that's impossible when using stock images!

What Makes It Good

  • Professional and polished design
  • Strong headlines and copy
  • Great use of drop-down menus for the services, like social media management and so on

What Could Be Improved

  • There are some dead link pages, which creates a sense of unprofessionalism
Screenshot 1 of Hey Hayleah (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Hey Hayleah (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Hey Hayleah (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Talk about loving pink!

Hey Hay Leah's website certainly catches you off guard in an enticing way with its bright aesthetic, creating a fun and confident look. However, while this works for many visitors, be careful not to push people away with a color scheme that's too bright.

Use a subtle overall color choice that's not too bold and perhaps even arrogant!

The Takeaway

As above, color is definitely the takeaway here. When it comes to color, try to pay attention to how color makes you feel. Green, for example, is natural and calming, blue is professional and trustworthy, whereas red is bold, passionate, and intense.

Choose wisely!

What Makes It Good

  • A fun and whimsical design with lots of smiley photos
  • Really engaging testimonials to prove the company has worked with other businesses

What Could Be Improved

  • The text reads a bit dense in some places
Screenshot 1 of Jennifer Gibbard VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Jennifer Gibbard VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Jennifer Gibbard VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Whoa, I just stumbled upon Jennifer Gibbard's website, and let me tell you, it's bright and bold and just so darn approachable!

Definitely the work of great website designers.

The homepage is so inviting, with a hero image and a strong headline that really captures Jennifer's mission. And don't even get me started on how easy it is to navigate – the menu bar leads you straight to the about, services, and contact pages, making for a streamlined, frictionless experience.

The Takeaway

Jen's website is unique regarding the virtual assistant space and is more like a SaaS website, thanks to its fun icons, professional graphics, and overall style, tone, and copy.

Use this on your own website. You don't need to go for the typical personal blog approach. Yes, being a virtual assistant is a personal service, but you're also a business, so find the balance between them both.

What Makes It Good

  • The bright, vibrant, and friendly color palette
  • Bold, eye-catching headers with great copy and personal images of Jen
  • Really good use of testimonials and social proof
  • Bold CTAs, and lots of them!

What Could Be Improved

  • The navigation menu is hidden away in the corner and can easily be missed
  • No CTA in the nav bar nor a contact button!
Screenshot 1 of Kirsty Orton VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Kirsty Orton VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Kirsty Orton VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

Another personal virtual assistant website here, this time with a pastel-monochrome aesthetic and some punchy headers.

I'm a big fan of the black-and-white design as it really helps everything remain as clear as possible,

The Takeaway

I adore the systems section Kirsty has put on her virtual assistants website.

It clearly displays all the logos and applications that Kirtsy uses, which is an engaging way to do this. I've seen no other virtual assistant websites doing it, and it's such a great idea. The fact she's used icons as well, rather than simply listing the platforms, makes it so much more engaging.

What Makes It Good

  • The amazing use of systems she's familiar with
  • A simple yet impactful color palette
  • Testimonials are clear, as are the virtual assistant services and features

What Could Be Improved

  • The hero image is a little too hidden by the image overlay
  • Some of the text is hard to read in places
Screenshot 1 of Miss Delaney J (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of Miss Delaney J (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of Miss Delaney J (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

With a full-width hero image, bold header copy, a beautiful navigation bar, and lots of valuable content, Miss Delaney J is a virtual assistant website that shines above so many other websites in the industry.

Visual content is obviously the main feature here, backed by copy that really deep dives into the service's value. This is a fine balance between personality and professionalism that makes for an attractive service that will get results.

The Takeaway

The interesting takeaway from this website that I want to point out is in the color.

The whites and greens create this natural yet neutral feel which really resonates with me. Everything stands out and grabs your attention, but it isn't too loud or in your face, not to the fact it's off putting.

Use this on your own website. Choose a color representing your brand and personality, and run with it! Time invested in this area of your website will really pay off long-term!

What Makes It Good

  • Really personal yet professional design that connects to visitors
  • Beautiful, value-adding content displayed with a great choice of fonts and sizes
  • Tons of custom imagery that really ensures the service feels real and credible
  • A fantastic, neutral color palette

What Could Be Improved

  • No footer for extra page links
  • No testimonials or social proof!
Screenshot of the NAVIGUER.CO website

If you're looking for a pastel, calming experience with your VA, then look no further than Navi's virtual assistants' website. By using calming shapes, great photos, and a very soothing palette, it's easy to see that Navi can take the stress out of your VA business, which works very effectively when picking up a potential client.

The Takeaway

The bit I love the most about Navi's website is the fact that she takes the time to answer all the questions a visitor may want to know. If someone's feeling unsure about why they should outsource their work or what value they're getting, Navi's content immediately jumps in and alleviates those reservations.

Your content should do the same.

What Makes It Good

  • Great use of yellow colors to promote calmness
  • Fantastic "Book Now" CTA with a large CTA header for attention-grabbing

What Could Be Improved

  • The copy can feel excessive in some places
Screenshot 1 of The Break Away VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 2 of The Break Away VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)Screenshot 3 of The Break Away VA (Example Squarespace Virtual Assistant Website)

I really like The Break Away's website because it oozes happiness.

There's a lot to get excited about, with some hard, punchy headers, great custom imagery, and lots of text. The services section on the homepage is also amazing because it highlights everything that's on offer, like social media management and content creation, in just a few seconds!

The Takeaway

Copy is everything on a virtual assistants' website, and even if you have a website that looks absolutely fantastic, you won't score clients without value-adding copy. The trick takeaway here is that you should always style your copy, tone, and language to fit your branding, in this case – happy and friendly.

What Makes It Good

  • Fantastic custom and hero images
  • Lots of awesome sections overflowing with value
  • The branding and personality are spot on

What Could Be Improved

  • The CTAs aren't different colors from the rest of the theme
  • No social proof is used or displayed!
Screenshot of the The Livemore Creative website

I love this site.

The full-width image with the bright, vibrant colors and laid-back hero image that's beautifully edited to merge into the background just works so well. There's a ton of content that answers all the questions you'd need to know, and everything is nicely laid out and easily accessible.

The Takeaway

As you can tell, this is a one-page website, which means everything, all the content, and everything is on a single page. This means there's no navigation bar, but that's fine and it works. A nice reminder you don't have to go for the stereotypical multi-page site to have a successful virtual assistants'website.

What Makes It Good

  • A nice example of a single-page website
  • A beautiful color scheme
  • Lots of great copy and impactful information

What Could Be Improved

  • No testimonials or social proof
  • No ability to grow this virtual assistants' website with a blog and so on due to the lack of other pages

How to Build the Best Virtual Assistant Website

Okay, what an adventure!

But the fun's not over yet – now we've taken a look at some of the best virtual assistant websites around, so let's dive into how you yourself can build the best virtual assistant website possible.

I don't want to take up too much of your time, so here are some quick fire tips and tricks to get the best results:

Define your niche: Most experienced virtual assistants will operate within a niche. As mentioned above, a wedding assistant requires different skills than a business assistant. Make this niche clear on your website, so you attract the appropriate target market and ensure your website resonates with potential clients.

Showcase your virtual assistant services: Visitors are coming to your website looking for someone who can do the jobs they want completing. Therefore, your website should clearly communicate your services and how you help potential clients.

Think about how you outsource tasks and what your services are, including:

  • Social media management or social media marketing
  • Digital marketing
  • Answering calls and emails
  • Travel planning
  • Content writing and content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Event planning

These are all services that a support team like yours might offer and the services a business needs, so ensure your prospects are aware of this. Whichever business or marketing administration they see that offers all the key features they need is who they'll typically go for, so make sure it's you!

Do this by using a combination of text, images, and videos to showcase your expertise and make sure everything is clear and easy to consume.

Include social proof: I can't stress this enough, and if you've been examining the virtual assistant websites, then you know this makes me a stick in the mud. Absolutely ensure you're posting examples of reviews and testimonials from your past clients.

It's like shopping on Amazon. A client who sees a service with lots of reviews and happy customers is far more likely to use the service than a virtual assistants website with none. Reviews build credibility and showcase a proven track record of success!

  • Keep it user-friendly: A standard website feature – everything needs to be easy to navigate and understand. Use clear menu bars, well-structured pages, and easy-to-understand language to make sure potential clients can find what they're looking for.
  • Use strong CTAs: A call-to-action (CTA) button should be prominently placed on your website to encourage potential clients to take action. Whether it's scheduling a discovery call or filling out a contact form, make sure your CTA is clear and compelling.
  • Optimize for SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for helping potential clients find your virtual assistants website. Use relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and alt tags to ensure your website ranks well in search engines.
  • Keep it visually appealing: Your website should be visually appealing and reflect your brand personality. Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics to create a cohesive and engaging web design.
  • Make it mobile-friendly: In today's mobile-first world, your website must be optimized for mobile devices. Make sure your virtual assistants' website is responsive and can be easily navigated on a variety of devices.
  • Provide value: Your virtual assistants' site should not only showcase your VA services, like data entry, web development, or social media management but also provide value to potential clients. By this, I mean the value that they can come and take away whenever they like. You could host a blog, resources page, or free download section.
  • Keep it up-to-date: Your virtual assistants' website should always be up-to-date with the latest information about your VA services, pricing, and availability. Make sure to regularly review and update your website to ensure it's always accurate and relevant.
  • Monitor your analytics: Use analytics tools to monitor your website traffic and engagement. This can help you identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize your virtual assistant site.

On top of all this, but perhaps most importantly, it's important to think about what your unique selling point is as a personal assistant.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you offer unique services like web development, graphic design, app development, data entry, or handling administrative tasks?
  • Do you offer bilingual virtual assistants as a service?
  • Are you experienced in project management?
  • Can you act as an executive assistant?
  • Do you offer a free consultation or have an offer for new clients?
  • Do you work with remote workers?
  • Do you specialize in working with small business owners?

Whatever your unique selling point and what value highlights your dedicated virtual assistants' business, make sure you're putting this front and center on your website.

Whatever the reason is that someone would choose your online business over another is your key selling point, so market that and really lean into what you offer.

By following these best practices, you can create a great virtual assistant website that effectively communicates your services and expertise to potential clients.

Remember, your website is often the first impression potential clients will have of you, so it's important to make it count!


And that's all, folks! Having a killer website is crucial if you want to attract and convert potential clients as a virtual assistant business.

But hey, it's not just about the looks, baby!

You've got to showcase your skills, provide social proof, and make it easy for clients to navigate your site on any device.

By using these virtual assistant websites as inspiration and following my tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to creating a virtual assistant website that not only looks great but helps you land those dream clients.

So go ahead and create the website of your dreams, my friends – I can't wait to see what you come up with!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.