29 Squarespace Nonprofit Website Examples

Inspiring nonprofit websites built on Squarespace and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Nonprofit Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the nonprofits' websites on Squarespace"Best Nonprofit Websites on Squarespace" with screenshots of the nonprofits' websites on Squarespace
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Alright, I know you want to see the best nonprofit websites built on Squarespace (and you will).


Design is not the only important thing (although I used to think it was).

So the best Squarespace nonprofit websites also do the following well:

  • They sound good (copywriting)
  • They are optimized for search engines (SEO)
  • They include all necessary content
  • They drive you to take action!
  • And maybe most importantly, they have great homepage titles!

Make a Bigger Impact With this Easy Title Trick

Very few nonprofits get the titles right.

Let's quickly go over bad and good titles for nonprofit websites...

Bad Nonprofit Homepage Titles

  • Make a Difference
  • Providing Hope for Children Everywhere
  • Vision Inspires Change
  • Together We Can Achieve More
  • Empowering People Since 1984

All the bad ones are vague! So let's look at how to create a perfect title...

Good Titles

Good titles clearly state what you do, how you do it, and where you do it (if you're local)! Easy enough.

Let's look at my favorite title from this list...

  • "We Support Women surviving forced prostitution by providing safe homes & a two year program that equips them to create a new path in life."

Great titles leave the visitors understanding your nonprofit and will more likely get involved.

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Nonprofit Squarespace Templates

Here are my favorite and most impactful Squarespace templates for nonprofits:

The Ultimate List of Nonprofit Websites Built on Squarespace

Screenshot 1 of BeLoved Atlanta (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of BeLoved Atlanta (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of BeLoved Atlanta (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Outstanding nonprofit website alert! Study their intro and make one like it. They crush their title as it clearly conveys what this nonprofit organization does!

Here comes the next kicker...

The image behind the text supports the messaging. The copy says "we support women" and the image shows women who look like they are happy and have been supported! The alternative option is to show the women they are helping before they receive help. So either convey the before or after picture. So in the case of a dog rescue, either show a Sarah McLachlan style image/video or happy and healthy dogs!

This website then goes on to clearly state the problem and solution. It's very easy to read and breeze over – especially for someone who has zero knowledge on this subject.

One of the best website examples out there in the nonprofit space!

Screenshot 1 of Colorado Village Collaborative (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Colorado Village Collaborative (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Colorado Village Collaborative (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This nonprofit website absolutely crushes it on so many levels!

What I really lost most is the fact their intro is extremely descriptive. Too many websites have vague intros that make it hard for the visitor to comprehend what the nonprofit actually does.

They also have very captivating images that supports their content.

This organization made the best use of their websites headers/titles as they are descriptive rather than saying stuff like "Our Mission" – it really draws the visitor in while also explaining what you do without reading every word on the page (which most visitors don't do).

When you are ready to create your nonprofit website on Squarespace, definitely spend time finding inspiration from this site.

Screenshot 1 of GlamourGals Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of GlamourGals Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of GlamourGals Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Wow! Nonprofits pay attention to this one. This is one of the best Squarespace nonprofit websites on the internet!


First, the intro absolutely crushes it. The visitor understands what they organization is looking to solve and how it is solving it. The background image also supports their mission by showing a happy elderly person!

Next the color schemes are killer. Unique and used very well!

They have plenty of nice design assets through the homepage such as the statistics section (which you should also add).

Their headers are very descriptive. They don't say "Get Involved" they say "Help us bring smiles to isolated seniors".

Well done!

Screenshot 1 of 86Fund (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

The primary reason this nonprofit's website made this list is because of the web design (it could do better at copywriting).

They use textures as backgrounds, nicely balanced colors, and custom imagery.

Screenshot 1 of FutureMap (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of FutureMap (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of FutureMap (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This nonprofit has a pretty cool mission and website! They give low income first-gen college students the tools necessary to transition to the workforce.

Screenshot 1 of Global Health Innovations (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Global Health Innovations (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Global Health Innovations (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

The goal of this nonprofit is evident at the first glance. Beyond that, it's clear on how to get involved (without having to scroll!).

Adding an online donation form to the intro may work for you too.

This organization also clearly indicates how they are making change. I think this is very important as people are hesitant to donate money, but the right copywriting will encourage visitors to get involved!

Screenshot 1 of Humble Design (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Humble Design (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Humble Design (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

I usually recommend to have a clear and concise title. But in the event you can also have a creative one then you can have the best of both worlds. This website does a pretty good job of that.

Screenshot 1 of Miss Limitless (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Miss Limitless (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Miss Limitless (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

I love the design of the intro (although I think the copy can be better). The button on right right is unique and looks nice!

The text is also very large which makes reading their website enjoyable.

I don't recommend linking to social media in the intro or header though because they drives people away from your website (and into the abyss of social media scrolling).

They also list stats in big font size which I recommend you do as well!

Screenshot 1 of The Beauty Foundation for Cancer Care (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of The Beauty Foundation for Cancer Care (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of The Beauty Foundation for Cancer Care (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

I think this website has a lot of great design inspiration for nonprofits! But a big mistake is having a vague title "Do Something Beautiful". What you do should be clearly understood from reading the title. Skip the vagueness and creativity for the main title!

Screenshot 1 of The Single Parent Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of The Single Parent Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of The Single Parent Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This organization has one outstanding web design! Take notes of their big calls-to-action, color scheme, easy to read font sizes, and lots of bolded text keeping their audience engaged.

I also like the "Donations Initiatives" so donors can see how their money is changing the world!

Screenshot 1 of The Working Cat Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of The Working Cat Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of The Working Cat Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

The design of the intro on this website is very cool! The image fades to black and lets the overlaying text have a great contrast ratio.

Additionally, they feature "success stories" with real pictures and stories about the cats they have rescued and adopted out!

One thing I would change is the fact there are two buttons that have the same color but different actions. For a nonprofit (and many for profit organizations) it's best to have one primary CTA (call-to-action) that uses the same text and color.

Screenshot 1 of All Breed Animal Rescue of the Carolinas (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of All Breed Animal Rescue of the Carolinas (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of All Breed Animal Rescue of the Carolinas (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This nonprofit website design honestly isn't anything special, but it meets the needs of a nonprofit website. It has an intro that tells us what they do, a call call-to-action (make a donation), and an easy to follow website.

Screenshot 1 of Change Summer (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Change Summer (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Change Summer (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

There is a lot of great design inspiration on this nonprofit website. There are plenty of excellent community pictures, testimonials, and pages too!

If you are a nonprofit that serves people who speak multiple languages, then reference this website's functionality as it has a language switcher.

Screenshot 1 of Charlottesville Police Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Charlottesville Police Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Charlottesville Police Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This site made the list of Squarespace nonprofit websites because of the intro. There's a lot of helpful information that lets the visitors know what they do, how they do it, and how to get involved.

Screenshot 1 of DigDeep Water (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of DigDeep Water (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of DigDeep Water (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

There are a lot of inspiration design assets on this Squarespace nonprofit website! Big CTAs, big titles, lots of helpful text on the page, and an easy to navigate menu!

Screenshot 1 of Dressember Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Dressember Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Dressember Foundation (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This organization has a lot of nice design elements and features. Their title can use some work by showing people who they help and how they do it.

They also have some impressive SEO stats with $1.4K of monthly traffic. They also have some PPC ad campaigns running.

Screenshot 1 of EastWest Food Rescue (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of EastWest Food Rescue (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of EastWest Food Rescue (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Nonprofit organizations (and really all businesses) need to have in their title what they do and how they achieve it. This site does just that.

Who do they help? People in need of a meal.

How do they do it? By partnering with farmers.

They also do a great job at listing stats like how many people they've fed and how many meals they've served.

Screenshot 1 of Feed The Hungry (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Feed The Hungry (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Feed The Hungry (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This is a simple nonprofit website with big text and a good color scheme. What's most impressive is their SEO. This nonprofit has $5,100 worth of traffic each month.

Screenshot 1 of Global Warming Mitigation Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Global Warming Mitigation Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Global Warming Mitigation Project (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

One of the things I like about this site is on the blog. At the end of each blog there is a nice and big link to the next blog!

Screenshot 1 of HomeAid (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of HomeAid (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of HomeAid (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Another professional looking nonprofit site with a clear title! They also have a lot of other pages for your inspiration such as resources, contact, and donation.

Screenshot 1 of Ping Pong for Good (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Ping Pong for Good (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Ping Pong for Good (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This nonprofit website is visually appealing and great for their brand. There are smooth animations for each section and lot of great online resources for people looking to get started. This nonprofit is unique as they show pricing for members to gain access to their classes.

Screenshot 1 of Innocence Project of Texas (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Innocence Project of Texas (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Innocence Project of Texas (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This is another nonprofit that has a very cool mission and brings awareness to a little known issue (wrongful convictions).

They have a very impactful "Our Work" page that goes over the various people they exonerated.

Also check out their donation page which has nice functionality and with a testimonial and FAQs on the side. Free inspiration!

Lastly, they carry out events (which you can donate to) and have the events online.

Screenshot 1 of Love Never Fails (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Love Never Fails (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Love Never Fails (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Above the fold (that is the website visible prior to scrolling) depicts what they do and how they do it. Great work!

Screenshot 1 of Open Plans (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Open Plans (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Open Plans (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Custom imagery goes a long way! This nonprofit site does just that. They also have great page introductions that are large and easy to read. Most visitors don't read every word on the page. Rather they skim the pages so having quick and easy to read sections are a key.

Screenshot 1 of Operation Open Arms (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Operation Open Arms (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Operation Open Arms (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Pretty great title! What they aim to solve and how they are doing it! They could add a call-to-action to make it better. And a better image to support their mission would make this nonprofit website more impactful and likely get more donations.

Screenshot 1 of The Shine Movement (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of The Shine Movement (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of The Shine Movement (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

The Shine has a nice homepage that is text heavy, but they did a great job at laying it out so it doesn't feel too text heavy. Text, after all, is great for SEO!

Screenshot 1 of Volunteers in Defense of Animals (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Volunteers in Defense of Animals (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Volunteers in Defense of Animals (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

Nonprofits will see better traction with their visitors (and soon to be donors) if they list success stories and show real images of who they helped! This site does a great job at featuring stories of their rescues (and awesome images!).

Screenshot 1 of Water4LifeMoz (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Water4LifeMoz (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Water4LifeMoz (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

The intro of this nonprofit website built on Squarespace is why it made the list. Big bold letters with a supporting background image.

Screenshot 1 of Roote (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 2 of Roote (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)Screenshot 3 of Roote (Example Squarespace Nonprofit Website)

This is a rather unique nonprofit website on Squarespace. Maybe there is some inspiration you can pull from this dark color scheme?

Tips to Create the Best Nonprofit Website on Squarespace

Nonprofits see something wrong with the community and I see stuff that is wrong with websites.

So I've gathered some of the most common issues and suggestions and put them in this list...

  • First off, thanks for not choosing WordPress. It's 9/10 times the wrong tool for the job, is filled with bad practices, and will cost you more time, money, and hair loss.
  • Squarespace is an excellent platform, especially for non technical people. Your nonprofit can build and maintain your website at a very low cost. The website builder is very easy to use with a drag and drop editor.
  • In order for your nonprofit to get found, you must include keywords that people search for within your content. You can use Google's autocomplete to see what keywords/phrases people are searching and scatter them throughout your site. Also add your location if you are providing local services.
  • Make your font size large and easy to read.
  • Reference the heck out of these best nonprofit Squarespace websites.
  • Use custom images wherever possible. If you use stock photos, show a picture either depicting what people achieve via your nonprofit or what they avoid.
  • Make the intro/hero of your homepage clearly state what you do, how you do it, and where you do it. For example, "We help stray cats by recusing, rehabilitating, and adopting them in Phoenix, AZ".

Happy nonprofit Squarespace website building and community improving!

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.