#1 List of Best Duda Websites (+ What to Steal From Them)

Seeking inspiration? Take a look at this list of the top 1% of Duda websites. These are the best of the best!

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"Best Duda Website" with Duda website examples"Best Duda Website" with Duda website examples
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To get to this list of around 60 worthy Duda website examples, I had to go through over 14,000 Duda websites. Therefore, this post contains the top one percent of all Duda websites, so you can find inspiration and see what's possible on this fantastic platform.

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Wondering who built the websites? Check out my post going over the top Duda companies.

Let's dive into these 60ish best websites built on Duda!

Ultimate List of the Best Duda Websites

Screenshot 1 of Fire Wings (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Fire Wings (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Fire Wings (Example Duda Website)

Look at this website and tell me you don't want to eat their wings! A video in the header can cause a performance hit, but they should be used when they are extremely effective – like this website! Excellent graphics, branding, and copywriting.

Screenshot 1 of KLEVR (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of KLEVR (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of KLEVR (Example Duda Website)

KLEVR's website is nothing short of clever. This is one outstanding website built on Duda built by an impressive Duda company called Develomark.

This Duda example has outstanding graphics and animations.

Note, this website uses custom CSS and custom widgets.
Screenshot 1 of Zero Wasted (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Zero Wasted (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Zero Wasted (Example Duda Website)

Want to craft an outstanding Duda website?? Then this is a must-see! Ethos (the creator of this masterpiece) is an experienced graphic designer, seo, web designer, and copywriter (the key to making the best Duda websites). The title is simple and concise, the next section covers the benefits (not the features... people want benefits!) of what you get from their site. Plus the site stands for a great cause! One of the best Duda website examples out there!

Screenshot 1 of Arbor Vision (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Arbor Vision (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Arbor Vision (Example Duda Website)

While this site isn't perfect, I appreciate a website that doesn't default to white backgrounds. The branding really stands out with the dark theme and orange text.

Screenshot 1 of Belle & Phia (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Belle & Phia (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Belle & Phia (Example Duda Website)

This ecommerce Duda website example is what you get when you combine superb graphic design, compelling copywriting, and an overall nicely designed Duda website.

Screenshot 1 of CAREit (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of CAREit (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of CAREit (Example Duda Website)

This Duda website is simple, elegant, and built with outstanding graphics and branding. This is an excellent Duda website example for design and anatomy of a webpage! This is one of the best Duda website examples.

Screenshot 1 of CT Moving and Storage (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of CT Moving and Storage (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of CT Moving and Storage (Example Duda Website)

This is a great Duda example for SEO and design. Well done!

Screenshot 1 of New Haven Painters (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of New Haven Painters (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of New Haven Painters (Example Duda Website)

SEO is a big part of this website. But put SEO aside, this website excels at design and has a great homepage layout. No wonder this made the Duda website examples list!

Screenshot of the Plodding Isles website

This Duda website isn't everyones cup of tea but it sure is unique. I like the use of unique fonts and the text "glow".

Screenshot 1 of Warm Welcome (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Warm Welcome (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Warm Welcome (Example Duda Website)

This tech product has an outstanding Duda website (that uses their cool video widget!).

The website is clean, has videos, has simple and effective copy writing, and much more professional assets you must see!

Screenshot 1 of Alive 5 (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Alive 5 (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Alive 5 (Example Duda Website)

This Duda website has a lot of simple and easy to copy design elements that make the website stand out. When you build your Duda website, reference this one!

Screenshot 1 of BCT Aviation Maintenance (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of BCT Aviation Maintenance (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of BCT Aviation Maintenance (Example Duda Website)

Sometimes the simplest thing can really make your website shine (remember that when creating your Duda website!). In the case of this website, the airplane that "flys in" is a very nice touch to this business!

Screenshot 1 of BioClean CT (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of BioClean CT (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of BioClean CT (Example Duda Website)

This Duda website has a lot of nice "design flare", that is little design elements that add a lot to the page. While the websites on this best Duda websites list were curated by many different marketing agencies, the marketing company behind this website (Develomark) made the list of Duda website example multiple times.

Screenshot 1 of Distinctive Living Reefs (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Distinctive Living Reefs (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Distinctive Living Reefs (Example Duda Website)

One of the most important things you can do on your website is have a clear and concise header. Exactly what is it that you do (and where if that applies). This website does exactly that. Beyond that the design is very clean and easy to follow.

Screenshot 1 of Fire Festival (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Fire Festival (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Fire Festival (Example Duda Website)

While this site isn't in English, it sure used the Duda Website Builder to create a fantastic design.

Screenshot 1 of Greenbrook TMS (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Greenbrook TMS (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Greenbrook TMS (Example Duda Website)

This website example absolutely crushed it. Check out the design, smooth animations, layout and copywriting.

Screenshot 1 of Let's Do Commerce (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Let's Do Commerce (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Let's Do Commerce (Example Duda Website)

The design of this Duda website stands out – especially the hero! While it is very text heavy, there are still many design assets to reference. Check out the menu pages to such as the resources page.

Screenshot 1 of MoneyWiz (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of MoneyWiz (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of MoneyWiz (Example Duda Website)

This is a software company who built on Duda and they crushed it. Nice and simple with big images and an easy to read font size.

Screenshot 1 of MSK Masters (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of MSK Masters (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of MSK Masters (Example Duda Website)

Copywriting, copywriting, copywriting! Well done! You can learn from this site by using descriptive headers. Plus they intertwine cool fonts in there! They also have a nice video in there that is lazy loaded upon clicking the "video" (it's really an image). Then it pulls up a neatly branded Vimeo account instead of YouTube.

Screenshot 1 of Paintball Explosion (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Paintball Explosion (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Paintball Explosion (Example Duda Website)

This paintball website built on Duda looks like a paintball website! Bright color and creative designs really make this Duda website stand out!

Screenshot 1 of Saravit Wellness (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Saravit Wellness (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Saravit Wellness (Example Duda Website)

Wow! This is definitely one of the best Duda websites. Big and easy to read paragraph text, beautiful image grids (with some videos scattered in), and shape dividers are some of the highlights of this site. Lots of Duda inspiration to get from this site!

Screenshot of the SketchFunnels website

A website that markets funnels is virtually always going to have great copywriting! This site is simple and effectively describes their service/product.

Screenshot 1 of Space Group (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Space Group (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Space Group (Example Duda Website)

This website has a unique design that breaks out of the box. Much to appreciate here!

Screenshot 1 of SureScan AgeID (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of SureScan AgeID (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of SureScan AgeID (Example Duda Website)

SureScan's website is really easy to scan! Seriously, too many sites think you are going to read everything, but this Duda website has brief content with easy to read features. This is a one page website that looks highly effective at establishing their brand and conveying a message to their visitors.

Screenshot of the The Profixer website

This is another of Develomark's clients that features an excellent design and a lot of content which is great for SEO and driving online leads/customers. (Man, how many times has Develomark been on this Duda website examples list??)

Screenshot 1 of Altech Web Design (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Altech Web Design (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Altech Web Design (Example Duda Website)

While this site isn't perfect, the graphics and animations are definitely something to take a look at!

Screenshot 1 of Armor Shield Exteriors (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Armor Shield Exteriors (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Armor Shield Exteriors (Example Duda Website)

This Duda website has a lot of great design elements and SEO to inspire you.

Screenshot 1 of AssureCare (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of AssureCare (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of AssureCare (Example Duda Website)

The design and simple copy make this website stand out. I like the alternative picture and text sections. While this is nothing new the way they do it is unique.

Screenshot 1 of Branson Mountain Adventure (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Branson Mountain Adventure (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Branson Mountain Adventure (Example Duda Website)

Sometimes video is very effective in the hero background. This is one of those times! Why describe what the adventure is like when you can show it in first person?

Screenshot of the Cruisers website

Custom fonts go a long way (and Duda makes it easy to add custom fonts). This website also has headers that are well written.

Screenshot 1 of DENT Wireless (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of DENT Wireless (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of DENT Wireless (Example Duda Website)

Dent has a very unique website with navigation on the left and unique gradients over their images. Surely there is some inspiration here!

Screenshot 1 of EKI-Digital (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of EKI-Digital (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of EKI-Digital (Example Duda Website)

I always preach simple concise headers. But if you can add creativity to it then you can do both. I think this company did just that. It speaks volume to small businesses and even large businesses. The full homepage has lots of elements to reference!

Screenshot 1 of Funding Lobby (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Funding Lobby (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Funding Lobby (Example Duda Website)

Great design goes a long way! The Duda website builder can facilitate just that. These small design elements really make the page stand out! Want to create a website that lands on the Duda website examples list? Check out this site!

Screenshot of the Gorilla Geeks website

This is a marketing company that builds on Duda and they crush their website's design! The top part of their footer is inspirational and makes me want to contact them!

Screenshot 1 of Grid (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Grid (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Grid (Example Duda Website)

Videos in the hero should only be used if they really help convey your message and this is a great example of a site where the video does support their marketing. Beyond that I think they made great use of Duda widgets to create an easy to navigate and consume website.

Screenshot 1 of Ground Standard Agency (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Ground Standard Agency (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Ground Standard Agency (Example Duda Website)

This Duda website uses custom widgets and CSS but it forsure is a unique looking Duda website! You can tell they put many hours into it!

Screenshot 1 of Heavenly Garage Doors & Gates (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Heavenly Garage Doors & Gates (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Heavenly Garage Doors & Gates (Example Duda Website)

Take note of their H1! It's simple, concise, and contains the keyword that people search to find their services.

Screenshot 1 of Imagine Music Festival (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Imagine Music Festival (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Imagine Music Festival (Example Duda Website)

There's a lot going on within this website (maybe too much), but they do have amazing graphics and their branding all fits together nicely.

Screenshot 1 of Implant Center of Miami (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Implant Center of Miami (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Implant Center of Miami (Example Duda Website)

Great design and SEO. At the time of writing this, their traffic value is $6,500!

Screenshot 1 of J.D. Helton Roofing Co (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of J.D. Helton Roofing Co (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of J.D. Helton Roofing Co (Example Duda Website)

This website is assembled very nicely (except for the damn H1 being "Welcome"). Please don't ever do that. I'm kind of regretting putting this one on this list but let's just focus on the graphics. Great graphics and the website flows together nicely. Free advice - don't use welcome. Ever.

Screenshot 1 of Las Vegas Boat and Jet Ski Rentals (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Las Vegas Boat and Jet Ski Rentals (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Las Vegas Boat and Jet Ski Rentals (Example Duda Website)

This is a unique looking website that has their navigation on the left side (rare!) and a design that pops. This Duda website converts its visitors!

Screenshot 1 of MasterCat (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of MasterCat (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of MasterCat (Example Duda Website)

This website features a unique color scheme and simple to read features and benefits. The visitors know exactly what they are getting.

Screenshot 1 of Medallion Foods (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Medallion Foods (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Medallion Foods (Example Duda Website)

I've talked a lot about this website on my YouTube because they break down their product to very simple headers. It's tough as a business owner to have a simple header because we want to talk about all the things that makes our products or services amazing, but you have to simplify it. This website does that. And they have plenty of great design and animation elements.

Screenshot 1 of Mobile Cloud Video Game Party (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Mobile Cloud Video Game Party (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Mobile Cloud Video Game Party (Example Duda Website)

The design (and concept) of this small business is very unique.

Screenshot 1 of Riverside South Downs (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Riverside South Downs (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Riverside South Downs (Example Duda Website)

While I don't love the overall look of the site, there are individual design assets that are quite inspirational!

Screenshot 1 of Russo's New York Pizzeria (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Russo's New York Pizzeria (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Russo's New York Pizzeria (Example Duda Website)

The custom images go a long way on this site. Try to use custom images as much as possible while staying away from stock. Your smartphone camera is plenty good for website images.

Screenshot 1 of Spectrum View (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Spectrum View (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Spectrum View (Example Duda Website)

This Duda example has a nice touch of design with their color scheme and graphics.

Screenshot 1 of Sports Obsession (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Sports Obsession (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Sports Obsession (Example Duda Website)

This is a great example of a Duda store! It's a massive store that has many categories and products. You can go through and pretend to purchase something to understand how the checkout functionality works on a Duda store (it's really smooth!).

Screenshot 1 of Stacey Naglie Photography (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Stacey Naglie Photography (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Stacey Naglie Photography (Example Duda Website)

This website is a good example for a dark theme Duda website.

Screenshot 1 of The Last Prisoner Project (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of The Last Prisoner Project (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of The Last Prisoner Project (Example Duda Website)

The vision behind this organization is very interesting. They are able to communicate it through numbers, design, and compelling copywriting.

Screenshot 1 of The Olivine Austin (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of The Olivine Austin (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of The Olivine Austin (Example Duda Website)

Wondering what you should do with your menu in Duda? Check out this website!

Screenshot of the TRANS4ORM website

This is a great hero built in Duda. It hones right into the visitors pain point with a big title and big sub text with a supportive video on the side. Looks like a high converting website!

Screenshot 1 of Umi Care (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Umi Care (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Umi Care (Example Duda Website)

I'm a big fan of using two shades of the same color and overlapping them (assuming they meet accessibility guidelines). The design, alternating sections, blog design, and services are all well presented!

Screenshot 1 of Zing (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Zing (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Zing (Example Duda Website)

Zing has a modern tech website feel and makes excellent use of their color scheme.

Screenshot 1 of DragonFruit Video (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of DragonFruit Video (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of DragonFruit Video (Example Duda Website)

This company offers video software and naturally almost every background on their website is a video. There are inspiration design components from this website.

Screenshot 1 of RFOX (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of RFOX (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of RFOX (Example Duda Website)

RFOX is an excellent example of a dark theme Duda website with unique design elements.

Screenshot 1 of Skipio (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Skipio (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Skipio (Example Duda Website)

This Duda website has custom widgets but there are still nice inspirational elements you can borrow if you don't go down the custom widget path.

Screenshot 1 of Yolo Land & Cattle Co. (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 2 of Yolo Land & Cattle Co. (Example Duda Website)Screenshot 3 of Yolo Land & Cattle Co. (Example Duda Website)

The menu is hard to read, BUT there are very cool images and design elements worth taking a look at here. This site could be a lot better if the contrast ratios were fixed between text and images. If they fix some of those issues, I'd bump this up on the Duda website examples list.

Insights from Analyzing So Many Duda Websites

  • I was shocked at how many low quality websites there were. Especially considering the platform is primarily used by agencies and professionals
  • The hero is a game changer. You get that right and your website will be received much better by your visitors.
  • There are several Duda companies that are killing it as they have multiple websites on this list.
  • There is a huge opportunity out there for creating better Duda websites.

This ultimate list of Duda website examples is updated periodically to provide the newest and best and remove sites that are longer available or have moved to a different platform. If you'd like your site to be considered for this Duda website examples list, reach out!

Sign up for Duda and get 10% off with this link and code "createtoday".

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.