15 Kickass HubSpot Websites: Make the Best Site!

Inspiring websites built on HubSpot and hacks to beat them.

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How good is the HubSpot CMS/website builder??

In this list of HubSpot website example, you'll see exactly how good and what it's capable of (and what it's not good at).

Beyond showing you these HubSpot CMS websites, I'll also:

  • Break down what's good and bad about each HubSpot site
  • Tell you about my first-hand experience building a website on HubSpot CMS Hub
  • And share some tips, tricks, and words of caution to help you build the best website possible!

Word of Caution

Real quick, when you build a website on HubSpot, you'll need to use a HubSpot theme.

There are plenty of free ones that will do great.

Your HubSpot theme will make all the difference (unless you are custom coding templates).

Make sure you do your due diligence in understanding and picking a theme/template for your HubSpot website.

Nough said! Let's jump into these truly kickass and best HubSpot websites on the world wide web and see what these websites built on the platform are made of! 😉

The Ultimate List of HubSpot Website Examples

Screenshot 1 of Drip (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Drip (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Drip (Example HubSpot Website)

Drip's website is a freakin' masterpiece of website design and functionality.

The color palette is straight out of a designer's dream, and the layout is so intuitive that even your grandma could navigate it. Illustrations and graphics are downright brilliant, adding that extra touch of pizzazz.

Just spot on and a great example of how to use the HubSpot CRM to its full potential!

Takeaway: Drip's website is a stunning example of great website design, making it a pleasure to use and explore. Custom graphics really drive the quality up, and the subtle color scheme really sets the light tone and consistent branding that highlights their unique identity!


✅ Stellar color palette

✅ Intuitive layout

✅ Beautiful illustrations


❌ Could use more case studies

❌ No blog post section prominently displayed

Screenshot 1 of Betterment (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Betterment (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Betterment (Example HubSpot Website)

Betterment's website is a damn treasure trove of information. The use of clean lines and easy-to-read typography make the site feel professional and trustworthy. The intuitive navigation makes it easy to find what you're looking for, and icons and graphics add a nice touch.

Literally everything about this website just sings quality. I especially love the page borders that Betterment has created to give the website a very unique page feeling. Couple this with dynamic graphics and illustrations, a gorgeous color palette, and all the dynamic web pages you could want or need - this site is damn near-perfect.

Takeaway: Betterment's clean design and easy navigation make it a go-to resource for financial information. From the highlight at the top to the integrated review plugin, financial highlights, and catchy, concise info sections, every aspect of the website is tailored to highlight the service's value.

Put your value front and center and tell users exactly why they should be working with you like this!


✅ Clean lines and typography encapsulating stunning, value-rich information

✅ Intuitive navigation

✅ Engaging icons and animated graphics


❌ An integrated chatbot or help center could really boost conversions

❌ More detailed, individual examples (case studies) would be ideal for adding a personal touch to the content

Screenshot 1 of Harvest (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Harvest (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Harvest (Example HubSpot Website)

Harvest's website is absolutely fantastic – it's got the works!

The friendly color scheme and smooth animations draw you in, while the layout is clean and user-friendly.

And can we talk about the content?

Informative, concise, and easy to understand. Nice!

Takeaway: Well-organized and well-structured, Harvest's website is all about being clean, clear, and in control. It's another design representative of the product and service it has to offer, and it's worth considering whether this is something you can bring into your website design.


✅ A friendly, neutral color scheme that diversifies the target market

✅ All the features necessary to build credibility, including screen grabs and testimonials

✅ Clearly highlights the key features, such as available integrations and high-ticket clients


❌ Could use more individual case studies, especially of high-profile clients

❌ A search function for the blog post section could be helpful

Screenshot 1 of LineLeader (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of LineLeader (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of LineLeader (Example HubSpot Website)

Lineleader's website is a flippin' delight.

The vibrant color palette and quirky illustrations make the site feel fun and engaging. The layout is clean and easy to navigate, and the content is concise and informative.

Clear credibility-building features are strategically positioned throughout the web page, with some very nice custom graphics and tons of easily digestible content and information.

Takeaway: Nobody wants to waste their time wadding through tons of information and data. Instead, you need to make the key information of your business as easy to consume as possible. The more information you can convey in the shortest amount of time, the better. That's what Lineleader has done with their feature highlights, and you should totally steal that for your own website!


✅ Vibrant color palette

✅ Quirky illustrations that really set the mood

✅ Clean layout with loads of easily-digestible content


❌ The pages look a little cluttered and overbearing in places

Screenshot 1 of Narrative (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Narrative (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Narrative (Example HubSpot Website)

Narrative's HubSpot CMS website is bloody fantastic!

This is a typical corporate/enterprise-type website with the traditional blue-and-white color palette that screams SaaS and professionalism, but it works. The white is used as a clean canvas, and the blue and black are used to convey information hard. You're drawn to the important bits instantly, which is perfect for getting people connected with what you want your website to say.

Most importantly, I love the custom graphics. In seconds, it's clear to see what the website can handle and what sort of tasks you can carry out, all without saying a word. A picture really does speak a thousand words!

Takeaway: While Narrative is entirely unique, it doesn't try to reinvent the wheel. Instead, it uses the tried-and-tested colors, design, and layout, adding its own spin through its copywriting and graphics. Try to avoid being too out there because most people, sadly, just don't care. Stick with what works and focus on being you!


✅ Bold typography

✅ Clean layout

✅ Unique illustrations


❌ No reviews or testimonials to add credibility and build trust

❌ Consider adding video content to explain the product

Screenshot 1 of Simplecast (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Simplecast (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Simplecast (Example HubSpot Website)

Big. Bold. Punchy. In your face.

Simplecast is a HubSpot CMS podcast platform that wants to help its users be all those buzzwords, so it should be no surprise that the website oozes them all in its style and design.

I'm torn in some ways. The website is a touch minimal, but it also feels cluttered, and it's an interesting blend that actually draws me in. It's curious, which is, once again, what the users want their podcast to be.

That being said, everything is crisp and punchy. The copywriting only focuses on the value offered, and there's next-to-no fluff. However, the big takeaway is the dozens of media mentions that just build infinitely build the platform's credibility.

As smooth as butter and full of top-notch website content, what more do you need?

Takeaway: These days, internet users want value. They don't want to waste their time and money on products and services that don't work, so they look for reviews and testimonials from others. After all, you'd never buy a one-star product from Amazon.

If you have reviews or big companies using you, make sure you mention them to start building that trust!


✅ Minimalist design

✅ Smooth navigation

✅ Quality content


❌ Some of the text and color choices feel a little jarring in places

❌ Could add a chat support feature

Screenshot 1 of Cohley (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Cohley (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Cohley (Example HubSpot Website)

This website is a straight-up knockout and hits the spot regarding all the features a leading website needs to have.

Hard-hitting, value-rich copywriting? ✅

Tons of credibility-building features and client portfolios? ✅

Lots of visual content to break up the text? ✅

All combined within a modern design with engaging animations make the site feel alive, and the layout is clean and easy to navigate. It's just so easy to understand the value they bring to the table, and it's precisely what you need to aim for with your own website.

Takeaway: Cohley's modern design and well-organized content create a delightful user experience.


✅ Modern design with lots of visual content and engaging animations

✅ A beautiful step-by-step section on how the service works and will benefit the user

✅ Really well-organized content in such a clean structure


❌ Add more customer testimonials to build trust (the client portfolio could be more prominent)

❌ So many damn popups and banners detract from the experience!

Screenshot 1 of Deel (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Deel (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Deel (Example HubSpot Website)

Deel's website is freakin' awesome, and it hits hard with the value it offers!

The bold color choices and modern design give it a fresh and exciting vibe, making it stand out from the rest of its competition.

The layout is user-friendly, and the content is presented in a clear and concise manner, including the use of animated scroll bars and custom icons. The illustrations and animations are just the icing on the cake, coupled with the lightweight content laid out - this web experience is nothing short of a breath of fresh air.

Takeaway: The bold green color of this website grabs your attention and draws you in, and that's exactly how you want to use color in your own website. Bear in mind the psychology of color and how specific palettes make people feel, and apply this to the impression you want your website visitors to have when coming to your site. Choose wisely and create the feeling and atmosphere you want people to connect with!


✅ Bold color choices that use the psychology of color to connect with visitors

✅ User-friendly layout with lots of credibility-building elements

✅ Engaging illustrations and animations


❌ More in-depth and obvious product demo videos would be beneficial

❌ More of an ability to contact the company to ask questions or FAQ section on homepage

Screenshot 1 of Flock (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Flock (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Flock (Example HubSpot Website)

I really like Flock's website, and it has a lot going for it. However, we can learn a few lessons here on how to improve the whole experience.

To start with, the homepage is incredibly blocky and full of text, with few high quality images to break it up. This feels overwhelming and nowhere near as welcoming or as attractive as other websites on this list.

Everything within these core pages kinda blurs into one.

However, in terms of information, if you can take the time to read through and immerse yourself in the website, you'll see that it does provide a hell of a lot of value and really deep-dives the service, giving potential customers and the preferred target audience everything they need to make their ultimate purchasing decision.

Takeaway: Flock's minimalist design and engaging content make it a standout website, and there's a ton of information on offer. However, you don't want to overwhelm users. Instead, think of creative ways to pull them in and highlight your key value as easily as possible.


✅ Minimalist design with bright color accents

✅ All the CTA advanced features, including chatbot, clear buttons, and embedded contact forms

✅ Concise content with tons of details and valuable information


❌ A blog, resources, or FAQ landing page would be very beneficial

❌ More diversity in the structure and layout, perhaps by making the different sections more bold and unique

Screenshot 1 of G2 Learning Hub (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of G2 Learning Hub (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of G2 Learning Hub (Example HubSpot Website)

G2 Learn's website is a freakin' gold mine of information, and it's clear to see why this is one of the most popular leading websites in the world. Look up any business, service, or software application, and the chances are it's listed here.

The clean design and easy-to-read typography make the site feel professional and trustworthy. The layout is intuitive, and the content is valuable and well-organized.

Can't get enough of the in-depth articles and guides either, which is great for encouraging lead generation!

Takeaway: If you want to be a top business, not a small business, like G2, then you need to look and act like one. G2 Learn gets over 4 million hits a month just from the US and UK alone. If you want this kind of website traffic, you gotta ensure your website perfectly reflects that.


✅ Clean design

✅ Easy-to-read typography

✅ A TON of valuable content


❌ Maybe an introduction video to entice people in and to educate them on what G2 Learn is all about

Screenshot 1 of Immerss (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Immerss (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Immerss (Example HubSpot Website)

Immerss's website is just a pleasure to spend time on.

The minimalist design is sleek and modern, but it pops off with the dynamic animations, graphics, and animated design elements.

Unlike the static websites we're all so used to, the website feels alive. Using GIF and video content, Immerss clearly shows off what they have to offer in seconds, highlighting its Unique Value Proposition (USP) and value so nobody has any questions, or friction, when it comes to converting.

Takeaway: Immerss's minimalist design and intuitive layout make it an excellent example of effective web design. HubSpot has a huge potential to allow your web presence to pop, so take advantage of the available features to ensure you're creating the very best experience (and first impressions) that you can!


✅ Minimalist design with some beautiful, stunning, engaging graphics and video content

✅ Intuitive layout that focuses on value and proof of it

✅ Engaging content across the board


❌ Could benefit from more customer testimonials and case studies

❌ No obvious blog or resources section that holds the website back from ranking or adding even more value to their customer's lives

Screenshot 1 of Post Planner (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Post Planner (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Post Planner (Example HubSpot Website)

In terms of my favorite HubSpot CMS websites built here, Post Planner's HubSpot CMS website is a freakin' hoot!

The playful color scheme and fun graphics make the site an absolute joy to explore. The layout is clean and easy to navigate, and the content is informative and engaging. A+ for a great user experience!

And once again, the website looks at its ideal customers and distinct audiences, targets precisely what their pain points are, and highlights very clearly why its business is the one to solve that issue.

What more do you need for converting visitors?

Takeaway: I really love how Post Planner has been proactive when it comes to displaying its USP. The simple bullet points on the homepage, coupled and backed by graphics and testimonials, are all you need to see that this service means business and does precisely what it claims to do.


✅ Playful color scheme with a vibrant accent color

✅ Easily digestible content across the board, including bullet point information

✅ Lots of information backing up the credibility of the website


❌ More in-depth, individual case studies would be helpful

❌ The information sections towards the end of the post get a little repetitive, and it's hard to differentiate between the two

Screenshot 1 of ProfitWell (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of ProfitWell (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of ProfitWell (Example HubSpot Website)

ProfitWell's website is an absolute gem!

The clean, minimalist design and eye-catching graphics make for a delightful user experience. The layout is intuitive, and the content is engaging and informative. And that's really worth focusing on here.

The copywriting is spot on and just goes to show the effect you can have when you really invest in working out your copy. The "Drive Subscription Revenue While You Sleep" idea is just spot on, and how could anyone resist that offer?

It's this kind of enticing your visitors that are going to draw them in and encourage them to convert. Set your intention, highlight what your service or product can achieve in your customers' lives (your value), and then build a website to prove that you're the business for the job.

Can't get enough of the case studies, either!

Takeaway: ProfitWell just hits the spot in all areas. From building credibility and trust by mentioning their big-name clients to showcasing precisely what they can bring to their clients' lives and backing it up, this website simply oozes value from the first screen.


✅ Clean design that's neutral but impactful

✅ Eye-catching graphics

✅ Engaging case studies and credibility-building sections


❌ A blog post or resources page could be more prominently featured

❌ A more detailed FAQ section would be useful

Screenshot 1 of Red Rover (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Red Rover (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Red Rover (Example HubSpot Website)

Red Rover's website is like a damn fine piece of art. The vibrant yet simplistic color palette and fun illustrations give it an energetic, welcoming vibe, drawing you in a while being easy on the eye. The layout is clean and user-friendly, and the dynamic content is informative without being overwhelming. This site gets an A+ in my book!

Takeaway: Pictures speak a thousand words, which is why Red Rover has doubled down on them. The site contains graphics, bespoke icons, edited screen grabs, and informative videos. Everything you need to convey your message in a captivating and sure-fire way you won't miss - that's how you create a streamlined user experience!


✅ Vibrant color palette

✅ Fun illustrations

✅ Clean layout


❌ Add more video content to showcase the product

❌ A more detailed pricing information section would be so helpful

Screenshot 1 of Seer Interactive (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 2 of Seer Interactive (Example HubSpot Website)Screenshot 3 of Seer Interactive (Example HubSpot Website)

Okay, have you seen Seer Interactive's website? It's a freakin' joy to explore.

Right off the bat, you can see this website is designed like no other. The gradients, colors, abstract imagery, text, and overall style all stand out in a way that no other website does, and this is something to take note of.

Even if you're a big company, corporation, or enterprise, people nowadays want to connect and work with companies with a personality.

They want to engage with businesses that have a vibe, and they want that vibe to match theirs. If you don't have a defined vibe, then you could be losing a serious amount of business.

By allowing visitors to see who they truly are, Seer Interactive is clearly embracing its own style and is boldly putting that out into the world, and that's a beautiful thing that you absolutely should be done via your own website.

Sure, your style won't be for everyone, nor a global audience, but that's okay.

All you want to do is connect with the people who actually want to work with your business.

Takeaway: This sounds like a rule of life, but be unapologetically you. Don't be afraid to be yourself, even as a business or website. Have a personality. Be bold. Be something. Anything is better than nothing, and no one wants to work with a bland and generic nobody.

Harsh truths, but truths nonetheless.


✅ Seriously bold typography and eye-catching graphics

✅ really well designed, nicely spaced out, and easy to consume information

✅ The custom, bold imagery and video content just pop off and are oh-so-very engaging


❌ More case studies for different industries would help this website soar

❌ I get the navigation should be hidden for the design, but I think they could have done it better than a burger menu. Perhaps a virtual menu could have really stood out and still held value.

My Thoughts On Using HubSpot to Build a Website

I was extremely impressed with the quality of websites I found built on HubSpot, and it just goes to show that this is truly a powerful content management system.

A low-key overlooked one, at that.

But don't assume it's easy to build a site that's nice as these ones. These are some of the top businesses in the world and have some serious time and investment behind them. Teams of people work together to produce that kind of content and product pages.

Let's explore some of the limitations of using HubSpot CMS Hub.

The "Type" Of Builder You'll Work With

I like to put website builders into two distinct categories:

  1. It allows you to add rows, columns, and fill those up with widgets and site features
  2. The sections are premade, and you work within the fields

The first you might create a two-column layout, then add an image to the left column, and some text to the right.

The second basically says the following section has an image left and text right, if you want to move that stuff around, tough, you can't.

Which category does the HubSpot CMS Hub fall into?

Mainly the first (which I like), BUT, it's still rather limiting.

And when you hit these limitations, break out the custom code.

Using Custom Code

Many of the websites on this list are using custom code (or a modern theme that's very aligned with what they need).

On one hand, it's great they provide access to the templating system to create custom code (primarily HTML and CSS).

However, it also comes with frustration when I need to use custom code to just align two buttons next to each other (technically, you can do this through the UI, but the spacing is usually off).

It's kinda bittersweet.

On the "sweet" side, the CMS hub does give you access to create custom modules (aka widgets – the building blocks of HubSpot websites).

In these custom modules, you can add custom fields, HTML, CSS, and JS.

Then, you can reuse those modules throughout your site. For example, adding a card designed a certain way. This can be great for creating unique landing pages that can assist with business growth, but if you're not technically minded, then it's just another investment to think about.

Is the HubSpot Website Builder Worth It?

Well, technically you can build a website for free.

But two things:

  1. If you do go with HubSpot, I'd recommend a paid tier (use of themes, drag and drop editor, etc.) The HubSpot CMS cost starts at around $21 per month. The Enterprise tier is about $12,000 a year.
  2. I personally would choose to build on Webflow (here are some Webflow SaaS examples). I enjoy the flexibility of it while not using code. Plus you can embed the HubSpot script and do all your tracking that way.

That being said, there are some SEO tools available within HubSpot's CRM features list and, as you can imagine, it's fully integrated with the rest of the HubSpot platform.

With features like having an interactive map for connecting with local customers and a ton of digital elements, like a digital library and integrated digital security, there's certainly potential if you know what you're doing.

It's having the know-how to use the core technology and having an understanding of what you want to do, how you're going to do, and how to make that happen.

There are certainly easier and more powerful platforms out there, so make sure you're researching to see what best suits you.

But that doesn't mean HubSpot doesn't have what you need.

All in all, HubSpot CMS (Content Management System) is very successful for many companies.

Heck have you seen who is using it in these HubSpot website examples??

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.