15 Kickass ThriveCart Examples (High Converting Checkouts!) πŸš€

Inspiring websites built on ThriveCart and hacks to beat them.

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"Best Websites on ThriveCart" with screenshots of the websites on ThriveCart"Best Websites on ThriveCart" with screenshots of the websites on ThriveCart
Picture of the author John Siciliano
Some of my content contains affiliate links – about

Selling things online is somehow harder yet simpler than ever.

There are so many options for setting up a store, so many ways to generate traffic, and tons of places to get leads, yet there's more content, competition, and knowledge out there than ever.

Figuring out the approach you'll take when it comes to your business is, therefore, easier said than done.

Specifically, setting up a funnel that can generate sales effortlessly from your existing, hard-earned traffic.

This is where Thrivecart comes in – a platform considered one of the best for building high-converting checkouts and funnels for your venture (with no monthly fees!).

Thinking of building your own?

Buckle up because we're gonna dive into the best ThriveCart templates and kickass website examples that'll leave you inspired, energized, and ready to conquer the digital world! 😎

I'll be breaking down each website, giving you a description of what's hot (and what's not), a takeaway with the main highlight when it comes to building your own upsell pages and a pros and cons list for each site.

And to top it all off, we'll hit you with a comprehensive guide on building your own successful website in this niche.

So, let's get this damn party started and dive in guns blazing! πŸŽ‰

Hack Alert! Start With One of My Fav Thrivecart Templates

Hold up, you mean to tell me you're planning to build your Thrivecrat checkout page from scratch?

I mean, you can, but if you have no experience, chances are you'll spend hours creating a sales page that looks mediocre at best.

Instead, save yourself some time, maximize how optimized your pages are, and have it look the part with a ThriveCart template.

Easy to install and built to generate the highest number of conversions possible, using a Thrivecart template saves you time and gets you a better result, giving you more resources to spend on other areas of your business.

Get started with a Thrivecart template today, using my top picks of the Thrivecart templates below.

Enjoy! πŸš€

Nice. Right, back to our regularly scheduled programming with the best Thrivecart template examples around! πŸ’₯

The Ultimate List of Thrivecart Websites for Stunning Inspiration

Screenshot 1 of Notion Foundations Course (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Notion Foundations Course (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of Notion Foundations Course (Example ThriveCart Website)

I freaking love Notion Foundations, and it's easily one of the better ThriveCart examples out there!

This ThriveCart checkout page is all about helping you create a digital workspace using the popular digital workspace app Notion, and it does a fantastic job of it.

Appealing to the typical Notion fan, the site's design is clean and modern (representative of the Notion platform itself), with a clear focus on the content. The layout is easy to navigate, making it a breeze to find the resources you need to up your Notion game.

The only drawback?

The color scheme could be a bit more vibrant to inject some energy into the sales page. That said, the custom photos and illustrations really do help the pages pop, and this is a checkout template you really do want to draw inspiration from.

Takeaway: Notion Foundations nails it when it comes to content clarity and easy navigation. Remember, folks, a website that's a cinch to explore will keep your visitors engaged! Clearly a success page template through and through.


βœ… Clean and modern design

βœ… Easy navigation

βœ… Quality resources and content


❌ Color scheme could use more pizzazz

❌ Some pages load a bit slow

Screenshot 1 of The Smart Studio Solution (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of The Smart Studio Solution (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of The Smart Studio Solution (Example ThriveCart Website)

Holy smokes, The Smart Studio Solution Thrivecart checkout is an absolute winner!

While this is another Notion-based service, it's stupidly clean and minimal and really speaks to its target audience.

As a service for people looking to streamline their creative business, TSSS shows potential leads how it's done and does so with style. The sleek and professional design has eye-catching visuals that make you want to learn more.

The content in this sales page template is really well-organized, and I'm living for the testimonials section that adds a ton of strong credibility.

All of this comes together to give you a beautiful Thrivecart template website that delivers consistent results!

Takeaway: An attractive design with well-organized content is key for engaging your audience. And don't forget those juicy testimonials to add credibility! πŸ“Έ


βœ… Sleek and professional design

βœ… Organized content

βœ… Testimonials for credibility


❌ Mobile version needs improvement

❌ More variety in visuals would be a plus

Screenshot of the Rule website

If you want to get your finances on track, Rule has your back!

ThriveCart templates like this just ooze professionalism thanks to their clean and straightforward design, making it super easy to navigate. That said, it's also punchy and full of color.

The headers are spot on – the copywriting is beautiful, everything is just laid out nicely, and backed by custom imagery that really nails the professional vibe.

What's more, the content is concise and informative, and how everything is broken down into sections just ensures everything is digestible. This is precisely what you want for a Thrivecart page because want information, and they want it now, so don't make them hunt for it.

With that in mind, the blog section is fantastic, but there's no doubt this ThriveCart template could use more engaging features to keep users coming back.

Takeaway: Keep your ThriveCart templates and designs simple and user-friendly, but don't forget to add some visually engaging elements to keep your visitors hooked. πŸ’Έ


βœ… Clean and straightforward design

βœ… Easy navigation

βœ… Informative content


❌ Needs more visuals

❌ Lacks engaging features

Screenshot of the Coaching Content Builder website

Bold. Hard-hitting. Punchy.

CCB is a fantastic platform that emphasizes the value it has to offer its customers. Out of all the templates, there's no nav bar, but instead, you head straight into the header (which instantly connects to the customer's pain points) and is backed by a clear five-star testimonial.

Then you get examples of the templates, the price (which is discounted to make it even more attractive), information about the deal, and then the rest of the website backs up the point that this is an affordable solution that will save you time.

That's EXACTLY how you want your ThriveCart template to come across.

When people come to your website and are interested in what you offer, they're looking for an answer to their problem, so give them the answer hard and fast (😨) and really drive home what you're offering.

They'll have no reason not to buy from you!

Takeaway: A professional and clean design is great, but don't be afraid to add a touch of flair to set your website apart from the crowd. 🌟


βœ… Clean and professional design

βœ… Well-structured content with easy spaces for payment details

βœ… Valuable resources for online coaches and coaching template downloads


❌ No clear contact and payment information or live chat

❌ The images are the same all the way down the page and could benefit from some diversity

Screenshot 1 of Pathlevels (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Pathlevels (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of Pathlevels (Example ThriveCart Website)

Ooo, big fan of the Pathlevels ThriveCart template.

Crisp and clean, this space has a very modern aesthetic with a minimalist vibe that, honestly, I'm really digging. The color palette is backed by a stunning font, VIDEO CONTENT (AN ABSOLUTE MUST THESE DAYS), and really basic text.

Although I say basic, it's really just concise and gets to the point.

No fluff. Just easily digestible content that really highlights the company's value.

What more could you ask for?

Takeaway: Combine a modern design with interactive elements to keep your visitors engaged and coming back for more. 🎯


βœ… Modern and engaging design

βœ… Detailed video tutorial content to really explain the value of the service (and video testimonials, holy sh*t!)

βœ… Well-organized content with a beautiful pricing grid

βœ… Interactive quizzes!


❌ Could do with some more details on how the service works in text form

❌ Would be nice to jump sections with a floating nav bar

Screenshot 1 of Tori Boats (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Tori Boats (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of Tori Boats (Example ThriveCart Website)

When I first came across Tori's website, I loved it.

Bold headers. A personal headshot of Tori to help connect her to the audience. A great color scheme. It's all there.


The downside is that the website's uptime is incredibly inconsistent. Upon returning to give the website another look over, I was met with a 500 - Internal Server Error, which is so unprofessional and such a turn-off. Sad.

Think of it this way - when people come to your website, they're in the flow of looking for what they want. If you're stopping them because of an error, they'll quickly go elsewhere, and the chances are they won't come back.

Because why would they if it's not working?

First impressions matter, so make sure you're using a reliable hosting service and you're paying your ThriveCart account bill on time!

If I was a potential customer to Lori, she's just lost me because of this!

Takeaway: Make sure your website's uptime is maximized because every second you're down, you're missing out on traffic and sales and discouraging a positive brand reputation!


βœ… Visually appealing design

βœ… Easy booking process

βœ… Well-organized content


❌ The website doesn't load!

❌ Could use a more detailed FAQ section

Screenshot 1 of Danielle McCleerey (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Danielle McCleerey (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of Danielle McCleerey (Example ThriveCart Website)

Danielle McCleerey's Courses site is a fab resource for anyone looking to level up their skills.

The fun, funky, hippy vibe is clear, adding some personal touches to the space that really helps to connect with leads, all achieved through the choice of fonts and color.

This is why making the right design choices is so important!

That said, everything is laid out in a clean and simple way, the layout is super user-friendly, and I adore how the product image sections have been laid out and organized.

It's just a treat to spend time on the website, and this is exactly what you want people to feel when they come to invest in you.

Takeaway: A simple, clean design with well-organized content is crucial, making sure the value of your product or service is front and center! Don't be afraid to get dynamic with what you're offering!


βœ… Simple and clean design, with great colors and fonts

βœ… User-friendly layout

βœ… Well-organized content


❌ More testimonials and social proof would be perfect

❌ No option to contact πŸ™

Screenshot 1 of Kevin Meng (Example ThriveCart Website)

As a service selling a course on how to be better at copywriting, you'd expect the text on this ThriveCart template to be absolutely spot-on, and it really is!

The design for this course creators' space is super simple with a two-tone color scheme and some basic photos, allowing the words and paragraphs to act like paint on a canvas to really sell themselves. It does so beautifully and is an excellent example of how powerful great copywriting can be.

Take your time when writing your own.

However, the testimonials right at the top of this success page are exactly what you want. It showcases that

Takeaway: A clean design with bold colors and visuals can make a big impact. Just be sure to balance text and visuals for a better user experience. πŸ“š


βœ… Clean and straightforward design

βœ… Bold colors and visuals

βœ… Well-organized content


❌ Some pages have too much text

❌ Needs a more responsive mobile version

Screenshot 1 of Launch Brand Board (Example ThriveCart Website)

Mmm, LBB just hits the spot. Like, oh my Lord.

The aesthetic, color grading, custom product image content, and just overall design is spot-on and really engage you emotionally and physically. Like, I like spending time on this website, and I'm happy to be here, which instantly keeps me on this ThriveCart checkout page and learning more.

Just notice the layout.

Everything is nicely spaced out and has room to breathe, the CTAs are amazing, and the copywriting really speaks to the pain points of the readers.

Overall, I think this is one of the best examples of a website that uses ThriveCart for its payments, and it's well worth emulating as much of this digital space as you can.

Takeaway: The copywriting is just spot-on. The use of emojis, personal, relatable language, and just the overall flow of everything just works, and I think this is the best example of this around.


βœ… Clean and visually appealing design

βœ… User-friendly layout with some super-relatable and impactful copywriting

βœ… Well-organized and informative content


❌ A contact page or FAQ section could be ideal for more information

❌ The use of video content could really blow this website up

Screenshot 1 of Lead Lion Pro (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Lead Lion Pro (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of Lead Lion Pro (Example ThriveCart Website)

Mmmm, this website is smooth as hell.

This website really nails the professional look with the black and gold color scheme, helping you instantly recognize this service's target market. Notice how amazing it is that you can create a certain vibe just by using a certain blend of colors?

Use that to your advantage.

I'm a huge fan of how spacy everything is here. There's room to breathe, and none of the content seems squished into place. It's just a nice, fluid experience that makes you want to keep scrolling for more!

Takeaway: A sleek, modern design with engaging visuals is a surefire way to capture your audience's attention. Just be sure to balance text and visuals. πŸš€


βœ… Sleek and modern design

βœ… Engaging visuals

βœ… Well-organized content


❌ Some of the sections have too much text

❌ Needs a more responsive mobile version

Screenshot 1 of Member Genius (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Member Genius (Example ThriveCart Website)

Member Genius is all about helping you build a kickass membership site, and their website is pretty damn awesome too!

After all, it kind of has to be in order to get people to understand that what they do, works.

Therefore, it's no surprise that the design is clean and modern, with great use of color and visuals. The content is informative and easy to navigate. However, they could provide more in-depth info on their services and improve their mobile experience.

Takeaway: A clean, modern design with great use of color and visuals is a winning combination. Just make sure to provide enough info on your services! 🌟


βœ… Clean and modern design

βœ… Great use of color and visuals

βœ… Informative content


❌ Needs more in-depth service info

❌ Mobile experience could be improved

Screenshot of the Outsourcing Secrets website

Outsourcing Secrets is here to help you make the most of outsourcing, and their website is a treasure trove of info. The design is clean and straightforward, but it could use a bit more pizzazz. There's no doubt that these kind of pages can come across as a bit "scammy" in terms of the font and style, and I'd be careful moving forward.

That said, this is a legitimate service, proven by how informative and well-structured the content is, but some pages feel a bit cluttered. The video content is a winner, though, and if you can incorporate that into your own website, you absolutely should.

Takeaway: A clean design and informative content are essential, but don't forget to add a little flair to make your website stand out! πŸ’₯


βœ… Clean and straightforward design

βœ… Informative content

βœ… Well-structured information


❌ Design lacks pizzazz

❌ Some pages feel cluttered

Screenshot 1 of Smart Business Mastermind (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 2 of Smart Business Mastermind (Example ThriveCart Website)Screenshot 3 of Smart Business Mastermind (Example ThriveCart Website)

Smart Business Mastermind knows what's up when helping businesses grow.

The design is sleek and professional, with great use of color and graphics. The content is well-organized, but some pages have a bit too much text, making it harder to digest. A more mobile-friendly version would be a plus.

Takeaway: A sleek design with great use of color and graphics can make your website pop! Just be sure to balance text and visuals for a better user experience. 🌈


βœ… Sleek and professional design

βœ… Great use of color and graphics

βœ… Well-organized content


❌ Some pages have too much text

❌ Needs a better mobile version

Screenshot of the Video Pegasus website

Video Pegasus is a fun and fresh service specializing in video production, and their website is a visual treat!

The design is absolutely stunning, with eye-catching graphics and animations. The content is well-organized and informative, but the site could use a bit more info on pricing and packages. There's a ton of information that highlights the value on offer and some really punchy copywriting.

Overall, a great example of a successful ThriveCart template (and cart template) and one you should certainly use as inspiration.

Takeaway: A visually stunning website with eye-catching graphics can set you apart from the competition. Just be sure to include essential info like pricing! πŸŽ₯


βœ… Stunning design with eye-catching graphics

βœ… Well-organized and informative content

βœ… Engaging graphics and video content throughout the website


❌ Needs more info on pricing and packages

❌ Could be more mobile-friendly

Screenshot of the ROI Ninja website

ROI Ninja is all about boosting your business's return on investment, and their website is pretty damn cool about it. The design really works for the target audience (notice how this is a recurring pattern) and is backed by a beautiful balance of text, copywriting, and imagery (including video content)

While there is a ton of information here, and that's all wonderful and great, there's a lack of social proof.

Getting reviews and testimonials is just so important these days because you would never buy something from Amazon with no reviews when you could buy one with thousands.

The same applies to your product and service pages!

Takeaway: A sleek, modern design with eye-catching visuals and a user-friendly layout is key to success. Just don't forget to include social proof like case studies or testimonials! πŸ“ˆ


βœ… Sleek and modern design

βœ… Eye-catching visuals

βœ… User-friendly layout


❌ Needs more case studies or testimonials

❌ Lots of bulky text sections, but video content does help to break it up!

The Ultimate Guide to Building a High-Converting ThriveCart Website

Okay, phew.

That was a lot to take in, but hopefully, you're now feeling super inspired and ready to create the ThriveCart website of your dreams for your own business.

But wait just one more second.

Seeing these fantastic websites is one thing. Actually, building your own, well, that's a whole other ball game.

You see, it takes a lot to build a successful website, and while it can feel a little overwhelming, I've taken my decades of web design experience and am here to share some top tips you can use to ensure your website is as successful as possible.

You pick your own ThriveCart design or ThriveCart templates and build your space, and these tips will ensure it all works on a technical level.

Grab your favorite beverage, and let's get this party started! πŸŽ‰

Know your audience

Before you think about designing your website or choosing a ThriveCart template, it's essential to know your audience.

Research your target market and create buyer personas. This will help you tailor your website's content, design, and user experience to meet their needs. 🎯

Choose a visually appealing design

As we've seen in the examples above, a visually appealing design can make all the difference. Choose a design that reflects your brand's personality and appeals to your target audience.

Don't be afraid to get creative with contrasting colors, visuals, and typography – just keep it consistent and on-brand! Use custom CSS if you're technically minded!🎨

Prioritize user experience (UX)

A user-friendly website is a must. Ensure your site and checkout template is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and are responsive on mobile devices. No one wants to stick around on a website that's confusing or frustrating to use. So, make your site a pleasure to use, and watch those conversions roll in! πŸ“±

Create engaging, valuable content

Your website's content is the heart and soul of your online presence. Make sure it's engaging, informative, and valuable to your audience.

Use a mix of formats across your sales page – articles, videos, infographics, etc. – to keep things fresh and interesting. And don't forget to optimize your content for SEO to help drive organic traffic, and think of this across your pages, including your upsell page!πŸ“š

Make it interactive

Interactive elements, like quizzes or calculators, can help keep your audience engaged and coming back to your Thrivecart template for more.

These other features are also a great way to collect valuable data on your visitors, which can help inform your marketing efforts.

So, think about how you can incorporate interactive elements into your website. Don't forget you can use custom CSS if you need it!🧩

Social proof is your friend

Yes, I know I go on about this all the time, but that's because it's so important!

Including social proof – like case studies, testimonials, or reviews – can help build trust and credibility with your audience. It shows that other customers have had success with your product or service and can help tip the scales in your favor when potential customers are deciding whether to buy.

So, don't forget to showcase your happy customers! 😁

Optimize for conversions

You've put in all this effort to create an amazing website, so make sure it's optimized for conversions. Use clear calls-to-action (CTAs), make your sales funnel easy to navigate, and test different elements (like headlines, purchase button colors, and landing or checkout pages) to see what works best for your audience. πŸ’°

Moreover, don't forget to offer packages that will get people even more interested in what you're offering.

For example, you can offer lifetime access to your digital and physical products, enable payments from all payment processors and payment options (like Google Pay), offer an affiliate system and more.

The more customized you can make the experience, the more conversions your landing page will make.

Keep it fresh and up-to-date

A stale, outdated website won't do you any favors when it comes to attracting and retaining customers. Regularly update your content, add new blog posts or resources, and keep an eye on design trends to ensure your website stays fresh and relevant. πŸ”„

All the best ThriveCart templates will constantly refine their design and process, seeing what works and what doesn't, and tweak it to keep perfecting the sales journey for your leads.

ThriveCart design features allow you to make these changes quickly and easily, even adding in custom CSS if you want or need it. Remember, the checkout template you're using now isn't the one you have to stay with, nor should you.

Your online space for selling your digital products and services should be evolving with your business all the time, so spend time making that happen.

Since you're selling digital resources, you have access to landing page data, so use it!

Measure, analyze, and improve

Hand in hand with the consideration above, ensure you regularly track your website's performance using tools like Google Analytics to see what's working and what's not. Use this data to inform your decisions and make improvements to your site.

Continuously analyzing and iterating on your landing page and checkout template will help you stay ahead of the competition and ensure your site delivers the desired results. πŸ“ˆ

Don't be afraid to show your personality

Your website is an extension of your brand, so don't be afraid to let your personality shine through! Inject some humor, use emojis, or write in a conversational tone – whatever feels authentic to your brand.

This will help you stand out from the competition and create a memorable experience for your visitors. 😎

Utilize email marketing

Capture your audience's email addresses with lead magnets or opt-in forms, and use email marketing to nurture those leads and turn them into customers.

Email is a powerful tool for building relationships with your audience (actually considered one of the best, even compared with social media), promoting your digital products or services, and driving sales. πŸ’Œ

Leverage social media

Promote your website and its content on social media platforms where your target audience hangs out. This will help drive traffic, boost brand awareness, and create opportunities for engagement and interaction.

Don't forget to share user-generated content or collaborate with influencers to increase your reach! πŸ“£

Invest in SEO

Optimizing your website for search engines is crucial for driving organic traffic. Research relevant keywords, create high-quality content, and build backlinks to improve your site's search engine ranking. Remember, SEO is a long-term strategy, so be patient and stay consistent. πŸ”

Test and optimize your website's speed

A slow website can be a conversion killer. Make sure your site loads quickly and efficiently by optimizing images, minifying code, and using a content delivery network (CDN). Regularly test your site's speed and make improvements where necessary. ⚑

Be mobile-friendly

More and more people are browsing the web on their mobile devices, so it's essential to ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Use responsive design, optimized for touch interactions, and test your site on various devices to provide the best user experience possible. πŸ“²

Now you've got the scoop on building a successful website in the ThriveCart niche – it's time to put these tips into action and create a site that's not only kickass but also drives conversions and delivers results.

Happy website building, folks! πŸš€

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.