15 Kickass Webstudio Websites (This Platform is Amazing!)

I found a variety of websites built on Webstudio to share for inspiration and demonstrate the capabilities of this amazing platform!

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"Best Website Websites" with a screenshot of a Webstudio website"Best Website Websites" with a screenshot of a Webstudio website
Picture of the author John Siciliano
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I'm stoked you found Webstudio!

These Webstudio website examples will serve two purposes:

  1. Demonstrate the design flexibility and developer power of this visual website builder
  2. Act as inspiration for your own website built on Webstudio

Webstudio. Is. Awesome.

I'm ditching all other website builders for it.

In fact, this very site is built on Webstudio. Let's talk about it...

List of the Best Webstudio Websites

Screenshot 1 of Create Today (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Create Today (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Create Today (Example Webstudio Website)

The Create Today website (you are here) contains rich articles and service pages.

My tech stack includes:

  • Webstudio – Duh.
  • Sanity – I use Sanity for my CMS. It's a bit technical but is very flexible. Hygraph is a good alternative that's less technical.
  • Cloudflare – For Workers, Zaraz, dynamic redirects, and other random awesome Cloudflare shiz

I used to have my CMS + website on Webflow, but Webstudio quickly solved many of my pain points (here's my Webstudio and Webflow comparison).

Webstudio lets me do more natively, with less effort, and create a better experience for my website visitors.

Screenshot 1 of Chris Wood (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Chris Wood (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Chris Wood (Example Webstudio Website)

Wow. Just wow.

Chris Wood is an exceptional designer...

  • The colors and color contrast
  • Subtle design elements
  • Interactivity (made possible by Radix components such as tabs)
  • Nice hover effects
  • And probably a lot of other things I'm too dumb to comment on, as this is a top-notch web design

Here's what Chris said about Webstudio:

"Webstudio is a fantastic tool for building accessible, fast-loading websites. Creating styles with design tokens makes building new pages and components incredibly quick. The sites load blazingly fast - considerably faster than Webflow - and its interactive components (like dialogs, popovers and menus) meet accessibility standards out-of-the-box. This platform is off to an impressive start, and the team's roadmap is full of exciting new features. If its current feature set meets your needs, I highly recommend you jump in."
Screenshot 1 of Webstudio (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Webstudio (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Webstudio (Example Webstudio Website)

A product's ultimate test is whether they eat their own dog food. I won't name names here, but I know of website builders and CMSs that use other platforms for their own sites! Webstudio is not one of them.

Webstudio's site is an exemplary example of a (SaaS) website built on Webstudio.

Screenshot 1 of Raycast (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Raycast (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Raycast (Example Webstudio Website)

This website was a test for Harsh (whose personal website is on this list) to get a feel for Webstudio and its capabilities.

Have one look at this site, and you'll know the power of Webstudio.

Needless to say, Harsh is now building on Webstudio :)

Screenshot 1 of Unsloth (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Unsloth (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Unsloth (Example Webstudio Website)

Unsloth has a fun web design with lots of white space, rounded corners, light colors, and fun images!

They also have a blog with easy-to-read text, lots of graphics, and a perfect performance score (which honestly is very achievable using Webstudio).

Perfect lighthouse performance score for this site
Screenshot 1 of Harsh Ramchandani (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Harsh Ramchandani (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Harsh Ramchandani (Example Webstudio Website)

Harsh (pronounced Hursh) is an exceptional designer. And I don't just say that because the website has a nice design...

Harsh helps me with my more intricate design needs. But his design process doesn't start with design. It's rooted in understanding the customer and creating a content architecture that resonates most with them.

I highly recommend checking out his website and services!

Screenshot 1 of Intronice (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Intronice (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Intronice (Example Webstudio Website)

This is a good example of a SaaS website on Webstudio... it has gradient text, bento grids, custom images, and a pricing page.

Screenshot 1 of Max MacGregor (Example Webstudio Website)

It wouldn't be a designer's portfolio if it didn't contain one of the hottest web design trends... bento grids!

All jokes aside, Max made a beautiful website that is simple yet unique.

Screenshot 1 of James Coy (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of James Coy (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of James Coy (Example Webstudio Website)

The James Coy design studio provides inspiration that is outside the norm.

The Webstudio website is nothing but unique. From the textured background to the increasingly blurry bars at the top, there is something to learn from this site.

Screenshot 1 of Sonam Champaneri (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Sonam Champaneri (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Sonam Champaneri (Example Webstudio Website)

Here's a nice Webstudio portfolio website that is uniquely laid out. With Navigation on the left and the body on the right, this web design is eye-catching and easy to navigate.

The site was created by software engineer turned product designer Ankur Puri, who goes by "dark panda" on the interwebz.

I reached out to Ankur asking what his take on Webstudio is, and he replied with the following.

"My take on Webstudio is that, it is such an empowering tool for those who already have a decent background in web-development, both semantically and aesthetically, but it is especially a liberating tool for those that just want to go low-code and still deliver beautiful looking, performant websites that are SEO optimized using their designer based interface. Once you realize the power & potential Webstudio has to offer, you can see through the limitations of other website builders like Framer or Webflow (which I like a lot, btw) as they lock you into their ecosystem if you want to scale. Majority of users that use Webflow for custom web development will be right at home, and benefit from the freedom of using design tokens the way it was meant to be, instead of using classes for sharing styles, and piece-meal any low-code functionality via custom code embeds. Case in point, even a simple portfolio website can benefit from being performant. Here's the performance metric on this site:"
Lighthouse performance test for this site 100/100
Screenshot 1 of Fedir Studio (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of Fedir Studio (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of Fedir Studio (Example Webstudio Website)

Fedir is a web designer out of Ukraine who is now leveraging Webstudio.

I've worked with Fedir to help out with a website that I surprised my cleaning lady with.

I recorded the entire process, including messages with Fedir. Check it out!

This is a great example of a design agency website on Webstudio!

Screenshot 1 of eCommerce Conversion Checklist (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 2 of eCommerce Conversion Checklist (Example Webstudio Website)Screenshot 3 of eCommerce Conversion Checklist (Example Webstudio Website)

Webstudio has infinite use cases. While we've seen many designers adopt the tool, it's also a top choice for landing pages.

This dark theme with eye-catching text is a perfect example of a one-page Webstudio website.

What other platforms will output a perfect performance score for a page like this??

Perfect performance lighthouse score

Random Tid Bits About Webstudio

  • Templates are available from official Webstudio templates to community-contributed templates (and sections).
  • Webstudio has a generous free tier
  • It's compatible with Cloudflare and deployed to it (see my guide)
  • If you're coming from Webflow, you're going feel liberated from the annoying Webflow constraints (here's my Webflow vs Webstudio article)
  • The roadmap is public
  • Webstudio is FINALLY a no-code platform that is getting website building right

Links to get involved:

John Siciliano
WebsiteWebsite Creator
MagnetGrowth Marketer
Diamond on BlogContent Creator
I spend my time creating stuff online and documenting it to help others (and earn a living). My focus areas include website builders, CMSs, marketing, and development.