A List of Webstudio Templates (+ Screenshots)

Here are the various templates available for Webstudio (plus some other helpful tips).

"Webstudio Templates" with screenshot of one of the templates from Webstudio

I’m stoked you found Webstudio and are interested in templates!

In this post, I’ll show you all the available templates from Webstudio.

Here are some of the benefits of starting with a template:

  • Quickly launch a site
  • They are 100% customizable
  • Get a good idea of proper structure

Here are some words of caution:

  • If you have a specific vision, then it’s probably better to start with a blank site
  • The templates use tokens, but there’s no page or document showing you all of them, so it’s not very maintainable.
  • Webstudio is a highly capable platform, but if you’ve never used a tool like it (such as Webflow or just coded with CSS) then there’s going to be a learning curve. Completely worth it if you’re serious about building websites.

I personally love Webstudio. But I also start with a blank site every time. To each their own!

Nough’ said, let’s look at the Webstudio templates!

Official Webstudio Templates

The official Webstudio templates can be found in your Webstudio dashboard.

Webstudio dashboard with Templates

Click one and it’ll duplicate to one of your own websites you can edit!

Screenshot of the Webstudio Marketing templateScreenshot of the Webstudio Marketing templateScreenshot of the Webstudio Marketing template

The Webstudio Template named marketing is a nice one page site.

It has a great use of colors, doesn’t look too “blocky”, and has a form so you can get a good idea of how that works.

But the downside I mentioned in the intro, look at all these tokens in Style Sources!

I’m left guessing what they mean and don’t know what other tokens exists without typing stuff and see what shows up in autocomplete.

I’m a big advocate for creating highly maintainable and consistent sites. But with undocumented built-in tokens, it’s going to lead to you creating your own and having variations of similar tokens.

Screenshot of the Webstudio SaaS templateScreenshot of the Webstudio SaaS templateScreenshot of the Webstudio SaaS template

The SaaS template is a three page template that… looks like a SaaS website!

Pages: Home, About, Pricing

It’s a great looking site with nice gradients, sections that align with what a SaaS needs, and kinda looks like the Webstudio marketing site!

If you need more inspiration, check out these beautiful SaaS websites.

Screenshot of the Webstudio Portfolio templateScreenshot of the Webstudio Portfolio templateScreenshot of the Webstudio Portfolio template

This four page Webstudio Portfolio template is magazine worthy.

Pages: Home, Project, About, Contact

It definitely will strengthen the presentation of your portfolio and make you shine.

If you need more inspiration, check out these beautiful portfolio websites.

Screenshot of the Webstudio Link in Bio templateScreenshot of the Webstudio Link in Bio templateScreenshot of the Webstudio Link in Bio template

⬆️ There's only one page hence why I added the same image three times.

Given Webstudio is the best website builder I’ve ever used AND that it has a generous free tier, it makes for a perfect candidate to host a link in bio page. But only if you are comfortable working with a more advanced editor.

And this Link in Bio Webstudio template is beautiful.

Creating Your Own Templates

In September 2023, Webstudio announced they are accepting community contributed templates (with the possibility of creators making money!).

Discord message for new Template Creators

While at the time of writing this they are still accepting applications, the Webstudio Template Marketplace has not launched yet. You can check the status of the Template Marketplace here and the overall Webstudio Roadmap here.

Webstudio Roadmap with Template Marketplace

Webstudio Templates Q&A

Can you add a template to an existing site?

Yes you can. You’d just need to go to the template, copy the sections in the navigator, and paste them in your other site. Since version 0.123.0, the destination tokens will be preserved so that incoming tokens don’t duplicate or override.

Can you change templates?

Yes, just like the above answer, you’d just need to copy and past items from the navigator to your other site. This will bring the components and CSS making it look the same.

Should I start with a template?

I do not. I like to start with a blank slate and have 100% control over everything. When starting with a template, you inherit a certain way of doing things such as tokens and structure. If you’re not a website control freak or you aren’t very experienced with a tool like Webstudio, then templates can serve you well.

Do the templates cost anything?

No, templates are free. However, the creator contributed templates (opposed to Webstudio ones) may not be free.

Is Webstudio amazing?

Awwwwwwww yeah!!!! One sliver of it’s awesomeness is Webstudio’s use of Cloudflare.